Version 6 of ProGet removes the ability to make calls to the docker API via a ProGet API Key.
As such the code posted above no longer works. I updated it to work using the Docker Token based Authentication system. I am posting it here in case someone comes along this post and wanted to use this code:
function RepackageContainerImage() {
param (
[string] $packageName = $(throw "-packageName is required. This is the namespace/image-name"),
[string] $fromFeed = $(throw "-fromFeed is required"),
[string] $toFeed = $(throw "-toFeed is required"),
[string] $fromVersion = $(throw "-fromVersion is required. This is the current tag on the image in the fromFeed."),
[string] $toVersion = $(throw "-toVersion is required. This is the tag to be applied after the image is promoted."),
[string] $comments = "Promoted by automation",
[string] $apiKey = $(throw "-apiKey is required"),
[string] $progetBaseUrl = $(throw "-progetBaseUrl is required")
# Promote the Container Image
$postBody = @{
$promoteResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$progetBaseUrl/api/promotions/promote" -Method POST -Body $postBody -Headers @{"X-ApiKey"="$apiKey"}
# Retag the container image by downloading the manifest and then re-uploading it as the new version
$pullToken = GetDockerToken -feed $toFeed -packageName $packageName -actionToAuthorize "pull" -apiKey $apiKey -progetBaseUrl $progetBaseUrl
$manifest = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$progetBaseUrl/v2/$fromFeed/$packageName/manifests/$fromVersion" -Method GET -Headers @{Authorization=("Bearer {0}" -f $pullToken)}
$pushToken = GetDockerToken -feed $toFeed -packageName $packageName -actionToAuthorize "push" -apiKey $apiKey -progetBaseUrl $progetBaseUrl
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$progetBaseUrl/v2/$toFeed/$packageName/manifests/$toVersion" -Method PUT -Body $manifest.ToString() -Headers @{Authorization=("Bearer {0}" -f $pushToken)}
function GetDockerToken() {
param (
[string] $packageName = $(throw "-packageName is required. This is the namespace and image name. For example: library/my-container-image"),
[string] $feed = $(throw "-feed is required"),
[string] $actionToAuthorize = $(throw "-action is required. This is the docker action to be authorized (pull, push, delete, etc)"),
[string] $apiKey = $(throw "-apiKey is required"),
[string] $progetBaseUrl = $(throw "-progetBaseUrl is required"),
[string] $service
if ($service -eq "") {
$service = $progetBaseUrl.SubString(8,$progetBaseUrl.Length-8)
$base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f "api","$apiKey")))
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$progetBaseUrl/v2/_auth?service=$service&scope=repository`:$feed/$packageName`:$actionToAuthorize" -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo)}
if ($response.StatusDescription -eq "OK") {
$token = ($response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).token