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API Method to Get a List of Helm Chart Versions

  • Is there a way, via API, to get a list of versions for a given helm chart?

    The helm command line tool can do it with this command:

    helm search repo proget/my-helm-chart --versions --version ^v1.0

    That will return all the versions that start with v1.0.

    I need to do this in my auto build system. I could use the above example, but for this command to work, I have to save to disk a proget repository first (via helm repo add). I have found that builds that rely on persisting data to disk are brittle, to say nothing about the fact that the API key is now saved on disk for others to get at.

    I would like some way to get a listing of versions without having to persist anything to disk. Is there a way of doing that?

  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @Stephen-Schaff ,

    I'm not sure about the API, but ProGet implements the Chart Repository API, and from a look at that, you should be able to just access index.yaml at the API Endpoint URL

    Here is some information about the format of that file: https://helm.sh/docs/topics/chart_repository/#the-index-file

    Can you give that a try and let us know what you find out? Cheers :)


  • That does indeed have the info. Thank you!

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