@dean-houston said in PSEval can be called as $PSEval, @PSEval or %PSEval, but null/empty returns only make sense for $PSEval:
a variable prefix ($, @, %) is more of a convenience/convention, and the prefix isn't really available in any useful context. I'm almost certain you can do stuff like $MyVar = @(1,2,3) for example.
For what it is worth, if this is the intent, then it does not match what actually occurs. The execution engine throws exceptions when you mismatch the variable types:
# mixed sigils
set $ok = ""; set $no = "";
try { set $a = "blah"; set $ok = $ok: scalar; } catch { set $no = $no: scalar; force normal; }
try { set $b = @(1,2,3); set $ok = $ok: vector-as-scalar; } catch { set $no = $no: vector-as-scalar; force normal; }
try { set $c = %(a: 1, b: 2); set $ok = $ok: map-as-scalar; } catch { set $no = $no: map-as-scalar; force normal; }
try { set @d = "blah"; set $ok = $ok: scalar-as-vector; } catch { set $no = $no: scalar-as-vector; force normal; }
try { set @e = @(1,2,3); set $ok = $ok: vector; } catch { set $no = $no: vector; force normal; }
try { set @f = %(a: 1, b: 2); set $ok = $ok: map-as-vector; } catch { set $no = $no: map-as-vector; force normal; }
try { set %g = "blah"; set $ok = $ok: scalar-as-map; } catch { set $no = $no: scalar-as-map; force normal; }
try { set %h = @(1,2,3); set $ok = $ok: vector-as-map; } catch { set $no = $no: vector-as-map; force normal; }
try { set %i = %(a: 1, b: 2); set $ok = $ok: map; } catch { set $no = $no: map; force normal; }
Log-Information Mixed sigils: success${ok}, fail${no};
DEBUG: Beginning execution run...
ERROR: Unhandled exception: System.ArgumentException: Cannot assign a Vector value to a Scalar variable.
at Inedo.ExecutionEngine.Executer.ExecuterThread.InitializeVariable(RuntimeVariableName name, RuntimeValue value, VariableAssignmentMode mode)
at Inedo.ExecutionEngine.Executer.ExecuterThread.ExecuteAsync(AssignVariableStatement assignVariableStatement)
at Inedo.ExecutionEngine.Executer.ExecuterThread.ExecuteNextAsync()
ERROR: Unhandled exception: System.ArgumentException: Cannot assign a Map value to a Scalar variable.
at Inedo.ExecutionEngine.Executer.ExecuterThread.InitializeVariable(RuntimeVariableName name, RuntimeValue value, VariableAssignmentMode mode)
at Inedo.ExecutionEngine.Executer.ExecuterThread.ExecuteAsync(AssignVariableStatement assignVariableStatement)
at Inedo.ExecutionEngine.Executer.ExecuterThread.ExecuteNextAsync()
ERROR: Unhandled exception: System.ArgumentException: Cannot assign a Scalar value to a Vector variable.
at Inedo.ExecutionEngine.Executer.ExecuterThread.InitializeVariable(RuntimeVariableName name, RuntimeValue value, VariableAssignmentMode mode)
at Inedo.ExecutionEngine.Executer.ExecuterThread.ExecuteAsync(AssignVariableStatement assignVariableStatement)
at Inedo.ExecutionEngine.Executer.ExecuterThread.ExecuteNextAsync()
ERROR: Unhandled exception: System.ArgumentException: Cannot assign a Map value to a Vector variable.
at Inedo.ExecutionEngine.Executer.ExecuterThread.InitializeVariable(RuntimeVariableName name, RuntimeValue value, VariableAssignmentMode mode)
at Inedo.ExecutionEngine.Executer.ExecuterThread.ExecuteAsync(AssignVariableStatement assignVariableStatement)
at Inedo.ExecutionEngine.Executer.ExecuterThread.ExecuteNextAsync()
ERROR: Unhandled exception: System.ArgumentException: Cannot assign a Scalar value to a Map variable.
at Inedo.ExecutionEngine.Executer.ExecuterThread.InitializeVariable(RuntimeVariableName name, RuntimeValue value, VariableAssignmentMode mode)
at Inedo.ExecutionEngine.Executer.ExecuterThread.ExecuteAsync(AssignVariableStatement assignVariableStatement)
at Inedo.ExecutionEngine.Executer.ExecuterThread.ExecuteNextAsync()
ERROR: Unhandled exception: System.ArgumentException: Cannot assign a Vector value to a Map variable.
at Inedo.ExecutionEngine.Executer.ExecuterThread.InitializeVariable(RuntimeVariableName name, RuntimeValue value, VariableAssignmentMode mode)
at Inedo.ExecutionEngine.Executer.ExecuterThread.ExecuteAsync(AssignVariableStatement assignVariableStatement)
at Inedo.ExecutionEngine.Executer.ExecuterThread.ExecuteNextAsync()
INFO : Mixed sigils: success: scalar: vector: map, fail: vector-as-scalar: map-as-scalar: scalar-as-vector: map-as-vector: scalar-as-map: vector-as-map
There are also syntax elements which require specific context, such as foreach requiring a @vec (Iteration source must be a vector value).
I can certainly understand why you would not want to update the base classes so they provide the context (scalar, vector, map) to implementations but I expect it is probably the safest solution for maintaining backwards compatibility with existing authored scripts (if that information is available to you at parse-time).
The alternative is to let the script author pass it along as an optional property to $PSEval() (similar to $GetVariableValue()), but this introduces another character which would then need to be escaped within the embedded Powershell (i.e. ,), and that probably would break authored scripts.