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Request ability to delete a Helm repository

  • My docker repositories have a button in the top corner that looks like this:


    The "Delete Repository" option allows me to delete the repository in one action.

    There is no similar button for a Helm repository. This leaves me with the tedious task of having to delete each an every chart version one at a time. While a viable workaround, it is frustrating and slow for a repository that has had a lot of versions.

    Please consider adding a "Delete Repository" type feature to the Helm side of things.

    As an additional note, after a chart is deleted, ProGet loads a 404 page. Instead, I would recommend redirecting to the list of versions for the Helm chart repository, since that is likely the page they were using before deleting the chart.

  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @Stephen-Schaff,

    I'm not all that familiar with Helm charts, but on some feeds, we have a "Delete all versions of this package" on the Delete Package page. I can see that checkbox is not on the Delete Helm Package page.

    I guess, that would have the same effect? A checkbox that said "Delete all versions of this chart (i.e. delete entire repository)"?

    What do you think? It seems relatively easy to do, and then we can fix the redirect thing as well.


  • That works too.

    Basically, I need a way to get rid of all versions of one chart.

  • inedo-engineer

    @Stephen-Schaff you got it! We'll try to get PG-1996 added in the next maintenance release. Should just be a pretty straight-forward loop :)

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