In case anyone else runs into difficulty with this, as I did, here are a couple of things to keep in mind:
You WILL need to install Team Explorer 2012 on the server that will be connecting to TFS -- in my case, since I don't have a dedicated Build server, that means I needed to install Team Explorer BuildMaster server.
Installing Team Explorer (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30656) WILL install a "shell" version of Visual Studio 2012. If (like me) you don't want extra tools like VS on your server, it's possible that you may only need the DLLs -- but according to Inedo support, that would be a violation of Microsoft's licensing rules for Team Explorer.
In the "Server Name" field, you should enter the complete URL to the TeamProjectCollection you'll be working with, NOT just the main server or web access URL. In my case, this was http://tfs_host:8080/tfs/MyProjectCollection
I hope these help someone else; it took a lot of guessing and finessing to figure all this out, as Inedo support reps really don't tend to explain things clearly AT ALL, at least if you're using their Free Support.