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Integrating BuildMaster and ProGet

  • My team is already using BuildMaster extensively to deploy compiled applications such as MVC web apps. Now, we want to use BuildMaster to manage releases of our back-end libraries. We want to use ProGet as our enterprise package manager and for its integration with NuGet and Visual Studio.

    Am I correct in assuming that the BuildMaster NuGet extension is the link between BuildMaster and ProGet? Is there any documentation or KB articles on integrating the two applications?

    Looking forward to your response and a more productive environment with your help. Thanks!

    Matthew Pfluger

  • Hi Matthew,

    The NuGet extension really is the key to integrating between BuildMaster and ProGet. I actually just finished setting this up at my company recently, saw this question and decided to write up our findings. Take a look at:



  • Thanks for the link, Gary! I am reading through your blog post very carefully.

    I'm curious, do you generate any packages that target multiple .NET framework versions (i.e. 2, 3.5, 4, 4.5)? I'm interested in doing that for one of our shared libraries.

    Also, have you tried this technique for non-assembly files like CSS or web resources? We manually created a few packages of ours that deploy standard web layouts for MVC applications. When the NuGet package is installed in the project, it puts the code in a specific subfolder within the Content folder.

    If you prefer, you can also email me directly. Thanks again for the reference!


  • Hi Matthew, pleased you found the post useful!

    Our logging package targets multiple frameworks. We handle this by using an MSBuild script which has multiple configurations defined and then compiles the extra frameworks in an AfterBuild event. You can find a good reference to this on Stack Overflow at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2923210/c-sharp-conditional-compilation-and-framework-targets/2928835#2928835

    As for other content files for us it was just a case of getting them into the folder structure where nuget would expect them before calling the create package action. In our case it means including a web.config.transform to make the logging changes automatically on pull. We include this file in the project with a copy to output build event for ease of maintenance.

    Is this what you were after?


  • I think so, Gary. Thanks again for the pointers. I'll be sure to ask if I have any more questions.

    Have a great day!

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