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Subversion extension error: "Unable to connect. Can't determine the user's config path"

  • I'm attempting to set up a Subversion source control provider, and am receiving an error-

    "Unable to connect. Can't determine the user's config path"

    I've tried using SVN command line, and get a similar error-

    "Unable to connect. svn: E125001: Can't determine the user's config path"


    • Windows Server 2008R2 64 bit
    • Subversion repository is across the network. Subversion URL is set as
      This URL works fine from TortoiseSVN repo browser.

  • Hi Pat,

    Based on the error, it sounds like the subversion client (svn.exe) can't access the %userprofile% data.

    What commandline client are you using? The one bundled with TortoiseSVN? I know that one can sometimes have issues with regards to storing user data.

    The best bet is to try changing the credentials that the BuildMaster AppPool/Service is running under... or try a different svn.exe (or the one built-in to the extension).

    Hope that helps,


  • I'm getting the error with both the bundled client and with Collabnet's Subversion client.

    I'll into the credentials of the App Pool & Service.

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