Hi @atripp. My apologies for taking so long to get back to you on this.
I have been doing some testing. Neither
dotnet nuget push
or nuget push
with the --source <url>
doesn't push the symbol file.
I have checked that my feed has been configured to server symbols and is set for Standard format.
After executing the push command, I go to the package details and there is no information for under the symbol tab.
I have checked the feed's folder on the hard drive and I don't see any snupkg files.
I even tried NuGet push mypackage.nupkg -apikey ******** -source http://progetserver/nuget/InternalLibs -symbolapikey ******** -symbolsource http://progetserver/nuget/InternalLibs -verbosity detailed
That also didn't push the symbol file.
I'm currently running ProGet Free ver 2022.26 (Build 6).
Any thoughts as to why this is not working?