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Symbol Packages (snupkg) and Drop Folders

  • ProGet version: 2022.0 (Build 37)
    Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard

    I've been trying for the last few days to get symbol packages to be pushed reliable to a symbol specific feed in ProGet.

    I've configured the feed as per the ProGet Docs. I've noticed that sometimes nuget push will work as expected and other times the symbol file never appears in the feed.

    I've seen the other forum discussions, the note about future enhancement for next year, the bug report in the Nuget GitHub repo.

    In order to get something reliable to work, I decided to use a drop folder. I made sure that the ProGet Service account (Network Service) has full permissions to the drop folder.

    I created a network share to with the correct permissions for the build server to use. I have the Team City build job copy the symbol file to the appropriate folder under the network share.

    I see the file in that drop folder after the build complete.

    However, it never gets imported into the associated feed by ProGet. I confirmed that the drop folder is configured for the feed. I've checked the frequency of when the folders are checked.

    Everything seems to be configured ok, just no file is being imported.

    I looked for any log in the diagnostic center and the event log. There is no entries at all. Nothing informing that even an attempt was made to process the package.

    Any ideas why the symbol file is not being imported?



  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @msimkin_1572 ,

    I think that one package is overwriting the other.

    Currently, you'll need to either:

    • embed the symbol files in your nuget package (easiest)
    • -or -
    • create two feeds, one for packages, the other for symbols

    In the future (targeting v2023), we plan improve this so you can have a symbol package and a regular package in the same feed.

  • They are not overwriting each other.

    There are two feeds, one for the actual library package and a different feed for the symbol package. The library package is pushed using nuget push. The symbol package is placed in the drop folder.

    I looked at the drop folder for the symbol feed when I got in this morning and it was still there. Proget didn't import it.

    The symbol feed is configured as a nuget feed. Will the code that monitors the drop folder look for a snupkg file or only nupkg?

    Besides using a combined feed, which is a non-starter, too many jobs in Team City will need to be changed. Is there a work around that can be used?

    Otherwise, I will have to write a very opinionated console app or PowerShell script to be called from the Team City jobs. Which is still significant work, as I would need to change all the jobs.


  • inedo-engineer

    @msimkin_1572 I believe that the drop folder importer only looks for .nupkg files; so if you just rename it then it should work. The imports should happen within a minute or so, since it monitors pretty frequently

  • @atripp If I rename the file will it be treated as a symbol file? It will only have the PDB inside, no other files.

  • Renaming the file works. ProGet is still able to server the symbols contained within the file to Visual Studio for debugging.

    Thank you for your help.

    Please consider this resolved.

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