Hi @infrastrcture_6303 ,
We've had one other user report this, and unfortunately it's a bit complicated behind the scenes. ProGet 6 allowed npm packages to be uploaded without a @ in the scope, which meant that if you used a non-npm client (your own script, etc), you could have "bad data" in the database.
We did not anticipate this data when doing the ProGet 2023 datamigration, so the bad data was brought over.
We don't have a means of fixing it, and it would take a nontrivial amount of time to do that - so as a free user we can't really put in that time. We do plan on a cleanup task ina few months that will take care of this automatically.
If you're comfortable with SQL, you may be able to fix it yourself (that's what the other user did), and it invovles a figuring out some queries around the PackageNameIds table.
Another alternative is to setup a new instance of ProGet 2024 and then just import the packages from disk.