Hi Rich,
It is not clear how the domain suffix should be entered...
Our binddn is in the form:
I created a credential (say LDAPuser) with this binddn as user and the corresponding password.
What should I put in the "Domain to search" box?
I tried "gcloud.dom,LDAPuser", but that is not working... It says:
[Debug] Search term: someuser
[Debug] Filter string: (&(|(objectCategory=user)(objectCategory=group))(|(userPrincipalName=someuser*)(sAMAccountName=someuser*)(name=someuser*)(displayName=someuser*)))
[Debug] Building search root paths for search mode SpecificDomains...
[Debug] Searching domain: CN=OurID,OU=users,OU=gcloud,DC=gcloud,DC=dom@gcloud.dom
It doesn't work because of the @gcloud.dom...