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Buildmaster event log : Error 500 while accessing the eventlog
Hi all,
In BuildMaster, when I want to access an event in the Buildmaster event page, I get a window with :
Unexpected Error
(500) Server Error
Collection is not a wrapped Inedo.Web.Controls.SimpleHtml.Td collection. (Parameter 'collection')
For more information, visit the Error Log Page.What can be the meaning of this message?
Kind regards,
I forgot to mention: this is an old version: 7.0.23
Hi @marc-ledent_9164 ,
Sorry but that seems to be an issue in v7 displaying some events
I'm afraid there's no workaround, but you can find the data in the database (EventLogOccurences table), which might be helpful?
@atripp Thanks for your reply... This is a good reason to planify an upgrade!