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NPM Vulnerability with Exception

  • We ran into an issue when a NPM package has a vulnerability, but an exception has been made to allow the package download. The example we have was static-eval v 2.1.1

    We have an exception on the PGV-2133354 vulnerability since it has been withdrawn.

    npm audit and npm install fail because the severity level of the vulnerability with exception is info which is not a supported level by NPM. the output from npm is:

    npm ERR! undefined is not iterable (cannot read property Symbol(Symbol.iterator))

    NPM Audit Severity Levels
    And you can see in the NPM Audit code that it does not expect info as a severity level

    Output from ProGet npm/v1/security/advisories/bulk endpoint:

    Right now we are NOT able to build with this package without disabling vulnerability detection, which is not permitted by corporate policy. How can we correct the output from ProGet so that npm will successfully build

  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @dan-brown_0128 ,

    Thanks for the detailed analysis; we'll get this fixed via PG-2636 in 2024.1 (due later today).

    You should be able to assess it as "Low" to work-around it in the meantime. FYI, here is the code that is used to map a vulnerability to an npm vulnerability:

    if (vuln.Severity_Code != null)
        return vuln.Severity_Code switch
            Domains.AssessmentSeverityCodes.Error => npmAuditSeverity.critical,
            Domains.AssessmentSeverityCodes.Warning => npmAuditSeverity.high,
            Domains.AssessmentSeverityCodes.NotApplicable => npmAuditSeverity.info,
            Domains.AssessmentSeverityCodes.Custom => npmAuditSeverity.info,
            _ => npmAuditSeverity.info
    // unassessed and has a Severity Score
    else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(vuln.ScoreSeverity_Text))
        return vuln.ScoreSeverity_Text switch
            nameof(CVSSRange.Low) => npmAuditSeverity.low,
            nameof(CVSSRange.Medium) => npmAuditSeverity.moderate,
            nameof(CVSSRange.High) => npmAuditSeverity.high,
            nameof(CVSSRange.Critical) => npmAuditSeverity.critical,
            _ => npmAuditSeverity.info,
    return npmAuditSeverity.none;

    Thank you,

  • The vulnerability has already been assessed as "Not Applicable" and that's where the "info" comes up, as shown by your code snippet. The problem is that NPM does not have info as a classification and cannot parse it

  • inedo-engineer

    @dan-brown_0128 I understand

    So you'd either have to upgrade (where we fixed the code) or reassess it to Low so npm audit won't crash. I suppose you could also patch npm audit so it doesn't crash.

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