I've noticed that other Artifact management systems are offering products for IaC Scanning -- looking for vulnerabilities, known misconfigurations, best practices, etc. This could be a feature that would be a nice supplement to ProGet.
Most of what I've seen has the IaC scanning centered around Terraform templates. I'm using ARM/Bicep since we're completely Azure based for cloud presence.
I'm not 100% sure how the other products are doing IaC scanning -- it may be along the lines of scanning a Terraform Private Registry, ensuring that modules there are up to standards. With Bicep/ARM, Azure provides Template Specs as a manner of storing and cataloging private modules that can be imported into templates. I don't think its prudent to reinvent Template Specs into ProGet, but it would be nice to get the best practice and quality checks to be made against ARM/Bicep templates stored inside of artifacts in ProGet.
In our instance, the templates are typically stored inside of a nuget package, although a universal package could be used instead.
Are there any others looking into IaC scanning, particularly in an Azure + ARM/Bicep organization?