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Create Feed via API Timeout
I'm creating a new feed via the API:$headers = @{
'Content-Type' = 'application/json'
'x-apikey' = $apiKey
$body = @{
name = $FeedName
feedType = $FeedType
active = 'true'
}$params = @{ Uri = "https://proget-dev/api/management/feeds/create" Method = 'POST' Body = ($body | ConvertTo-Json) Headers = $headers }
Invoke-RestMethod @params
This returns the error:
Execution Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
The statement has been terminated.The POST looks correct since if i change the api-key to something that does not have rights it return 403 forbidden
Is there anything to check whats going on here?
Which platform do you use ? Windows or Docker.
We use Docker and we have timeout on inedo apps (mainly Otter) when using api.Have you try 2 times in a row your command ?
It sounds weird, but for us, the second time it worked ...Cordially
Using windows server and IIS
Only using ProgetTrying twice in a row does not work either
IIS logs show error http 500
/api/management/feeds/create - 443 - ip-address Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0;+Microsoft+Windows+10.0.22631;+en-US)+PowerShell/7.4.1 - 500 0 0 30006FYI
The List API works fine
GET /api/management/feeds/list
Hi @forbzie22_0253 ,
(Sorry this is basically a copy/paste of the same answer to @philippe-camelio_3885 's question)
We haven't run into any of these issues in our testing, but this error is a "generic database timeout", which is implying that "something" is going on with the database. That's the only information we have, "something".
To troubleshoot this, you'll need to use some of SQL Server's performance/activity monitoring tools to spot what's going on at the time. It could be anything from outdated statistics to a missing index to a bad query. Or who knows.
With ProGet, timeouts can happen during extremely high usage of feeds/server. We have also seen instances where SQL Server's auto-statistics aren't working, and rebooting the server will help -- you can try running
as well. I have never seen that personally, but two users reported this already.Best,
Just to close this thread off.
I tried below but no joy:
Rebooting server several times
Server is not under any load
All other feed related API's worked fine
Re-installed progetResolved:
Re-installed proget and re-created DB