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OTTER 3.0.12 / jobs scheduling add +2H

  • Hi,
    Just to report that job scheduling is not working as expected

    I scheduled a job to run the 09 October 2021 @23:30 but the job is scheduled the 10 October @01:30

    My zoneTime is Europe\Paris (French time).
    I am using Otter 3.0.12 on Windows / Install using InedoHub

  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @philippe-camelio_3885,

    When setting the time for a scheduled Job, is it always 2 hours later? Can you tell me what time zone you have set in your User preferences?

    Also, could you find the Job in the database and tell me what the CRON configuration is? you can do that by running the following SQL:

    SELECT [Job_Id]
      FROM [Otter].[dbo].[Jobs]
      WHERE [Recurring_Indicator] = 'Y'

    Then open the XML in the Job_Configuration column and look for the CronSchedule attribute on the Properties element.


  • Hi,
    In user preference, I just can select Dark Mode

    Here are some screenshots on what I did - it not a recuring job



    As it is not a recuring job I change your SQL request:

    SELECT [Job_Id]
      FROM [Otter3].[dbo].[Jobs]
      WHERE [Recurring_Indicator] = 'N'


    <Inedo.Otter.Jobs.JobConfiguration Assembly="OtterCoreEx">
      <Properties JobType="Orchestration" ServerTargeting="Specific" Simulation="False" Async="False">
        <ServerRoleNames />
        <EnvironmentNames />
          <Variable Name="BackupInstance">**************</Variable>
          <Variable Name="BackupDB">*********</Variable>
          <Variable Name="BackupDestination">\\*****************$</Variable>

    Best Regards

  • inedo-engineer

    Thanks @philippe-camelio_3885 - with this, we can clearly see what the issue is; basically it's a UI bug on this page where we must have forgot to save the data as a UTC time. We'll get this fixed ASAP - stay tuned.

  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @philippe-camelio_3885,

    This has been fixed and will be released in Otter 3.0.13 which is expected to be released on October 22nd 2021.


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