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[OTTER3] Creation/Modification of PSVerify did not work as expected

  • Hi
    Juste to report that the creation of PSVerify is not possible in GUI Mode

    Best regards

  • inedo-engineer


    This is a bug, in that PSVerify shouldn't show up on the statement list. Instead, your scripts should, in a manner like this, with a Script Execution mode:


    Then, they'll look in Otter like this:

    PSVerify VerifyFreeSpace
        MinimumFreeGB: 24,
        DriveToVerify: C

    Here's how this script works behind the scenes...

    Verifies that an hdars server has the required and expected configuration
    .PARAMETER DriveToVerify
    The drive letter (such as "C") for what to verify
    .PARAMETER MinimumFreeGB
    The minimum free space required on the drive, in gigabytes
    param ([int]$MinimumFreeGB = 20, [string]$DriveToVerify = "C")
    $ActualFreeGB = [int]((Get-PSDrive $DriveToVerify).Free / (1024 * 1024 * 1024))
    $AmpleFreeSpace = $ActualFreeGB -gt $MinimumFreeGB

    And for reference, the additional help parameter descriptions...

    This is what you wish the configuration value to be. When not specified, the value of $true is assumed.

    This is the actual value of the configuration. When not specified, script's output is used.

    This is the "configuration key" used by the script, which is a string that uniquely identifies configuration on a server. It's like a file on disk (a file is uniquely identified by its name), or the name of an IIS Application pool (an application pool is unqiuely identified by its name). Optional. When not specified, the name of the script is used.

    This is an indicator as to whether the value is considered drifted. When not specified, it's a string comparison of the desired and current value.

    This is either "Collect" or "Configure", and is only used on PSEnsure operations; it will be ignored (or set to Collect, depending on what's easier to code) on PSVerify. Using a PSEnsure without a .AHEXECMODE will cause an error.

    The Additional Help items can be specified as a value or a variable; variables will simply start with a $.

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