Hi @toni-wenzel_6045,
Currently, the only way to set the description would be to do it using the UI or the Native API. In order to set it using the Native API, you would need to do the following:
First, Get the Docker Repository ID by making a GET request to <Base URL>/api/json/DockerImages_GetRepositoryByName?key=<API Key>&Feed_Id=<Feed_ID>&Repository_Name=<Repository Name>
This will return a list of images (should only be 1 in the list) and you will need to get the DockerRepository_Id from each item.
Then, you will need to POST a JSON object to <Base URL>/api/json/DockerImages_CreateOrUpdateRepository.
The JSON object you would post would be:
"API_Key" : "<API Key>",
"Feed_Id": "<Feed Id>",
"DockerRepository_Id": "<ID from previous request>",
"Repository_Name": "<Repository Name>",
"RepositoryIcon_Url": "<Icon_URL>",
"ShortDescription_Text": "<Short Description>",
"FullDescription_Text": "<Full description (Readme.md)>"
Please note that you will need to populate all of the values. For example, if you do not populate the RepositoryIcon_Url, the value will be cleared.