Posts made by philippe.camelio_3885
RE: OTTER / Long time for Linux server for first configuraiton collection
Servers are registered using api -
RE: OTTER / List variable not working correctly
This was working in Otter 3. For me, this is a regressionI am using map expression because I have to pass a group of variable which are interdependant
So I am sure the others sysadmin and dev people will use the right set of parameters.Example
I have a script for creating VM and I need to pass 3 variables (Modele, OS and Template)%(Modele: Ubuntu 20.04, OS:Linux, Template:GI-DCS-UBUNTU-20.04.1-20210121) %(Modele: W2019 GUI FR 2010, OS:Windows, Template:GI-DCS-W2019-FR-GUI-20201026) %(Modele: W2019 CORE FR 2010, OS:Windows, Template:GI-DCS-W2019-FR-CORE-20201026) %(Modele: W2019 GUI FR 2006, OS:Windows, Template:GI-DCS-W2019-FR-GUI-20200624) %(Modele: W2022 CORE FR 2202, OS:Windows, Template:GI-W2022-FR-CORE-21H2) %(Modele: W2022 GUI FR 2202 21H2, OS:Windows, Template:GI-W2022-FR-GUI-21H2)
I made a test with the apostrophe escape symbol and I have this error
Beginning execution run... **Indexer is only valid on list or map values.** Execution run succeeded. Cleaning up temporary files on Linux/SSH (
OTTER - [ whichlist] Server Roles page
It could be nice to have the environnement from the Assigned Servers list:
could be this:
Best regards
Philippe -
OTTER / List variable not working correctly
List variable seems to be buggy
Create a test otter script : test-hello.otter
Log-Debug Hello $ServerName;
Create a job template :
- script : test-hello.otter
- template variables:
Create the job with default value ==> Job failed
Create the job and select item2 value ==> Job failed
Create the job and select the last item value ==> Job completed
Whatever the number of items in the list, only the last item is working
Philippe -
RE: OTTER / Long time for Linux server for first configuraiton collection
I created 4 servers (linux) and register to otter.
Start Server checker.
After few minutes, otter reports the server need to be remediated.It is looking good if I start server checker on" rather the runnig "check configuraiton" from the server itself
Thanks for the tips
RE: OTTER / Long time for Linux server for first configuraiton collection
I will make a test with few servers and check how long it takes . -
RE: OTTER / Long time for Linux server for first configuraiton collection
@atripp said in OTTER / Long time for Linux server for first configuraiton collection:
How soon after you add the server do you run a configuration run?
When you say "reset otter", do you mean the Otter Service?
I restart the docker stack -
Are you able to cancel those executions? Like, if you navigate to them?
No action (link) is available to stop them
Does running the Server Checker task (on the Service Page, same page that shows Execution Dispatcher) cause them to kick off? What output do you see when you run that task, if not?
Sometimes, when I restart the server checker, the configuration run thru
I have to make more consistent tests, but the problem occurs when I register several servers in the same time.
RE: BM - Help needed for Git checkout
@atripp said in BM - Help needed for Git checkout:
shexec echo hello world;
I have no issue to run a shexec. This is just the git-checkout.
The server is also configured thru Otter without any problems ...I am using artifact captured from localhost so it is OK for me
I will make other tests later
RE: BM - Help needed for Git checkout
from sshd log, the bm server make a connection, create the tmp folder and nothing else happen since I cancel the job
2023-08-29 14:41:46 # VM004073 # info # sshd[1887]: # Accepted publickey for root from port 35342 ssh2: ED25519 ***************************** 2023-08-29 14:41:46 # VM004073 # info # sshd[1887]: # pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=0) 2023-08-29 14:41:47 # VM004073 # info # systemd-logind[833]: # New session 74 of user root. 2023-08-29 14:41:47 # VM004073 # info # systemd: # pam_unix(systemd-user:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=0) 2023-08-29 14:48:25 # VM004073 # info # sshd[1887]: # Received disconnect from port 35342:11: Normal disconnect 2023-08-29 14:48:25 # VM004073 # info # sshd[1887]: # Disconnected from user root port 35342 2023-08-29 14:48:25 # VM004073 # info # sshd[1887]: # pam_unix(sshd:session): session closed for user root 2023-08-29 14:48:25 # VM004073 # info # systemd-logind[833]: # Session 74 logged out. Waiting for processes to exit. 2023-08-29 14:48:25 # VM004073 # info # systemd-logind[833]: # Removed session 74.
RE: BM - Help needed for Git checkout
I ran on localhost (ia the buildmaster server) and the chekout is working fine.
Same script on target server => not working
I will capture and make an artifact to overcome the problem
Do you thin this is a bug or is it something I misused ?
Best regards
RE: BM - Help needed for Git checkout
@atripp said in BM - Help needed for Git checkout:
There's a lot of logs missing, so we can't really see where it's failing. Does it work if you're checking out to a Windows server (maybe localhost?)
In fact, it never ends. - more than one hour running
And I made a test on localhost build it is a docker setup
so I have the same resultI will make some tests
BM - Help needed for Git checkout
I have some problem to make git-checkout running properly
I created one application linked to gitlab repository.
This part is working fine
I created a pipelinestage and I ran this script :
set $DestFolder = /opt/${ApplicationName}; Ensure-Directory $DestFolder; { Git::Checkout-Code ( To: $DestFolder, ); }
As I understand, the Git::Checkout-code will grab the code from $Repository, but it can't reach the gitlab server
I have done a second application, where I am using Git::Checkout-Code but I had all the expected variables manually and it is working fine.
I thought if the application is linked to the git repo, it is transparent and I don't need to add the infor i n the checkout function.Something is missing but I don't know what exactly, any advice, example is welcome
Philippe -
OTTER / Long time for Linux server for first configuraiton collection
When I register new linux server, first routine configuration does not work smoothly.
It is stucked with this msg :DEBUG: 2023-08-29 07:16:37Z - Building OtterScript configuration for server "VM004070" to target 2 roles...
I need to reset otter to run through and start the remediation
Any thoughts ?
The roles are very simple (just an ensure-directory and one ensure-file)
OTTER 2022.12 / Docker
Best Regards
Philippe -
BM - [whishlist] Display multiple pipeline in Application page
Hello Inedo Team
It could be nice to display all the pipelines defined for one application, instead having only the last updated.
But I don't know if it is a good wish :)I know, this mean I have multiple release for the same application, but I don't want to make one application for each pipeline.
As we can have multiple pipelines for one application, why not ? - not doing it for developpement complexity would be a good excuse -Illustration :
I have 3 pipelines defined for one application
- install-keepalived
- install-haproxy
- config-haproxy
Actually, if I run the 3 pipelines, I have this
I could nice to have this
text colors are the one set for the pipeline and should be as background color for the line)Best regards
Philippe -
RE: OTTER / Docker - Move to a new server - lost connection to linux server - (Finally it is working fine !)
Hi @atripp
After your reply, I checked the ssh config on the target server and I forgot I allowed ssh root connection only from the Otter / BM server.Match Address XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX PermitRootLogin prohibit-password
Changing the address solved the error
My bad
Thank you for your time
RE: OTTER / Docker - Move to a new server - lost connection to linux server - (Finally it is working fine !)
I can see the secured variables pages (I guess they are encrypted) -
RE: OTTER / Docker - Move to a new server - lost connection to linux server - (Finally it is working fine !)
I thought to, but the encryption key is set in the docker-compose file and I moved all the data to the new server.
Is there any way to check the encryption key on the new server ?
I am using the following config:- docker-compose.yml
- .env
- config/sql/01.sql
- config/entrypoint.sh
version: '3.8' services: otter: image: proget.inedo.com/productimages/inedo/otter:${OTTER_VERSION:-22} container_name: otter restart: unless-stopped environment: OTTER_SQL_CONNECTION_STRING: "${OTTER_SQL_CONNECTION_STRING}" TZ: "${TZ:-Europe/Paris}" OTTER_ENCRYPTION_KEY: "${OTTER_ENCRYPTION_KEY}" volumes: - ${OTTER_ROOT:-./volumes}/data:/var/otter ports: - "${OTTER_PORT:-8080}:80" networks: net-otter: net-sql: depends_on: - otter-sql otter-sql: image: mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server:${OTTER_MSSQL_VERSION:-2022-latest} user: root container_name: otter-sql restart: unless-stopped ports: - "${OTTER_MSSQL_PORT:-1433}:1433" networks: net-sql: environment: TZ: "${TZ:-Europe/Paris}" ACCEPT_EULA: Y MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD: "${OTTER_MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD:-P@ssw0rd}" MSSQL_PID: "${OTTER_MSSQL_EDITION:-Express}" # Optional if using persisted storage locations (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/linux/sql-server-linux-docker-container-configure?view=sql-server-ver15&pivots=cs1-bash#persist) volumes: - ${OTTER_ROOT:-./volumes}/sql/data:/var/opt/mssql/data - ${OTTER_ROOT:-./volumes}/sql/log:/var/opt/mssql/log - ${OTTER_ROOT:-./volumes}/sql/secrets:/var/opt/mssql/secrets - ./config/sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d restart: always working_dir: /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d command: sh -c ' chmod +x ./entrypoint.sh; ./entrypoint.sh ${OTTER_MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD:-P@ssw0rd} & /opt/mssql/bin/sqlservr;' networks: net-otter: net-sql:
TZ=Europe/Paris REGISTRY_PUBLIC=proget.ocapiat.fr/public-docker REGISTRY_PRIVE=proget.ocapiat.fr/internal-docker OTTER_MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=StrongP@ssw0rd OTTER_MSSQL_EDITION=Express OTTER_MSSQL_PORT=1450 OTTER_MSSQL_VERSION=2022-CU5-ubuntu-20.04 OTTER_VERSION=22 OTTER_PORT=8080 OTTER_ROOT=./volumes/otter OTTER_SQL_CONNECTION_STRING="Data Source=tcp:otter-sql,1433;Initial Catalog=Otter; User ID=sa; Password=${OTTER_MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD:-P@ssw0rd}" OTTER_ENCRYPTION_KEY=Str@ngEncrypti0nKey POSTFIX_IMAGE_VERSION=1.0.0 POSTFIX_IMAGE=${REGISTRY_PRIVE}/maestro/postfix-relay
#!/bin/bash sleep 3s # run the init script to create the DB and the tables in /table for entry in "*.sql" do echo executing $entry /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost -U sa -P $1 -i $entry done
OTTER / Docker - Move to a new server - lost connection to linux server - (Finally it is working fine !)
Hello guys,
I have to move my Otter server (under docker).
I thought it would be easy (docker-compose down / tar / scp / untar / docker-compose up) but I had a serious problem with SSH Key connection.On the new server, none of the linux servers can be connected.
I have this error message for all of them:Unhandled exception: Invalid signature for supplied public key, or bad username/public key combination
I tried to recreate the SSH key unsuccessfully
Any thoughts ?
Otter version : proget.inedo.com/productimages/inedo/otter:22
SQL Server version : mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server:2022-CU5-ubuntu-20.04 -
OT - Minor Bug In Job Template
Small visual bug when you create a Job Template, root scripts folders are displayed as Unknown / Unkonwn Langage where as they should be hidden - I guess
PhilippeOTTER : 2022.11 (docker image)
OT - running shell script displays an error message while it should not
I have a shell script, which clone a git repo and run few command.
Directly from the server, it is working properly.From Otter, as SHCall, it reports ERROR while is it just echo or result of the command line.
Results below of a small script shellecho ==> install-monitor sur $(hostname) git clone https://oauth:********@********/monitor.git /opt/monitor
DEBUG: 2023-07-17 11:54:18Z - Job will be run against servers sequentially (not asynchronously). DEBUG: 2023-07-17 11:54:18Z - Targeting servers: VMXXXXXX DEBUG: 2023-07-17 11:54:18Z - Beginning execution run... INFO : 2023-07-17 11:54:19Z - ==> install-monitor sur VMXXXXXX ERROR: 2023-07-17 11:54:20Z - Cloning into '/opt/monitor'...
How to avoid such behaviour and keep real ERROR
I have plenty of working shell scripts I have to run through Otter
Best regards
PhilippeRunning : Otter Version 2022.11 / docker
BM - Editing OSCall Operation using Visual Editor not working anymore
OScall function is no longer working properly from visual editor since last update BM-2022-12 (docker image).
This was working before Buildmaster 2022.10
Test case :
Create an app (blank)
Create a new otterscript script called main
In main script, try to add the Build script:- Add statement
- Search for OSCall and add Build (OSCall Build)
>> Error msg : OSCall is missing the required ScriptName argument.
Trying to add a script from Global is not working either
Editing the otter script in Text Editor and using the syntax
# Call function { OSCall Build; }
overcomes the problem : ie the main script works, but edit the OSCall block from Visual editor is not working:
Script Build does not exist.
Best regards
Philippe -
RE: OT - SSH Secure Credentials Private Key ed25519
@apxltd said in OT - SSH Secure Credentials Private Key ed25519:
Thanks for clarifying @philippe-camelio_3885. I see the issue in the code now. I think it's been this way for quite a while
Thanks for your reply
RE: OT - SSH Secure Credentials Private Key ed25519
There are 2 bugs.
- when you display the secure cred, the public key is not properly written. it should be ssh-ed25519 instead ssh-rsa. The key itself is good.
- In the "Show secret" page, it should be a string.
But it is just visual, ssh connections are working fine.
Best regards
Philippe -
OT - SSH Secure Credentials Private Key ed25519
Small bug for Private Key.
I created an ed25519 ssh key and added it as a secure credentials."Edit Secure Credential" is not working properly.
Public key is seen as ssh-rsa while it should be ssh-ed25519.
and if you "Show Secret Fileds", public key is not OK
But ssh access is working fine
RE: OT - Credential Property broken ?
@atripp said in OT - Credential Property broken ?:
or confirming that it was broken, I took a closer look and figured it out :)
I made new test form fresh install
- 22.0.10 -> test OK
- 22.0.9 -> OK
- update 22.0.9 to 22.0.10 -> test OK
I don't understand why the instance I am working on is not ok.
There is no bug, I apologized .I will restart a new fresh instance and i reimport what I have already done.
Thanks for you time
RE: OT - Credential Property broken ?
I have done exactly what you did and the pb is still there.
I really don't understand.Next week, I'll make a test on fresh install and I will update the thread.
Thanks for your time
Best regards
PhilippeC. -
RE: OT - Credential Property broken ?
I understand.
I checked twice and found nothing in double.I created a new Credential test. ==> Same problem. I don't see what I am doing wrong
otter script very simple:
set $CredentialUser = $CredentialProperty(test, Username); set $CredentialPwd = $CredentialProperty(test, Password);
also tried with :
set $CredentialUser = $SecureCredentialProperty(test, Username); set $CredentialPwd = $SecureCredentialProperty(test, Password);
to be more complete, this the docker version
OT - Credential Property broken ?
Bug or not ?
it seems it is no longer possible to get Password from Secure Credentials.
It is not possible to read the Password from Secure Credential
Same result if OtterScript usage is unchecked (tested just in case ...)-
Create a secure crednetial as "Username & Password" and allow OtterScript usage
Create an otter script
set $CredentialUser = $CredentialProperty(svc-inedo, Username); set $CredentialPwd = $CredentialProperty(svc-inedo, Password);
This was working on OT v2.2.23 / tested OT v2022.10
Best regards
PhilippeC. -
RE: Sync BM from OT
Import of the Otter / Administration / Export, => OK
Import of url result => (commas are gone ????) but KO
OTTER / Administration / Export{ "servers": [ { "active": true, "environments": [], "roles": [], "serverType": "local", "drift": "none", "name": "LOCALHOST", "variables": {} }, { "active": true, "environments": [ "deploiement" ], "roles": [ "l-000-base", "dc-dcs" ], "serverType": "ssh", "hostName": "VM004001", "port": 22, "credentialsName": "ubuntu_test_20.04", "drift": "none", "tempPath": "/tmp/otter2023", "name": "VM004001", "variables": {} }, { "active": true, "environments": [ "deploiement" ], "roles": [ "w-100-baseline", "w-010-modules-dbatools" ], "serverType": "windows", "hostName": "VM000127", "port": 46336, "encryptionType": "aes", "encryptionKey": "******************************************************************", "drift": "manuallyRemediate", "name": "VM000127", "variables": {} } ], "environments": [ { "name": "integration", "variables": {} }, { "name": "developpement", "variables": {} }, { "name": "production", "variables": {} }, { "parentName": "developpement", "name": "recette", "variables": {} }, { "name": "deploiement", "variables": {} } ], "roles": [ { "dependencies": [], "name": "l-000-base", "variables": {} }, { "dependencies": [], "name": "dc-p16", "variables": { "DC": "P16" } }, { "dependencies": [], "name": "dc-dcs", "variables": { "DC": "DCS" } }, { "dependencies": [], "name": "w-000-base", "variables": {} }, { "dependencies": [ "w-000-base" ], "name": "w-010-modules-base", "variables": { "PSModules": "[\n{\u0022Nom\u0022: \u0022Carbon\u0022,\u0022Version\u0022: \u00222.13.0\u0022},\n{\u0022Nom\u0022: \u0022ActiveDirectoryDsc\u0022,\u0022Version\u0022: \u00226.2.0\u0022}\n]" } }, { "dependencies": [ "w-010-modules-base" ], "name": "w-100-baseline", "variables": {} }, { "dependencies": [], "name": "w-010-modules-dbatools", "variables": { "PSModules": "[\n{\n\t\t\u0022Nom\u0022: \u0022dbatools\u0022,\n\t\t\u0022Version\u0022: \u00222.0.3\u0022\n\t},\n{\n\t\t\u0022Nom\u0022: \u0022dbachecks\u0022,\n\t\t\u0022Version\u0022: \u00222.0.18\u0022\n\t}\n]" } } ] }
URL result
{"Servers":[{"Active":true,"Environments":[],"Roles":[],"ServerType":"local","HostName":null,"Port":null,"EncryptionType":null,"EncryptionKey":null,"RequireSSL":null,"UniqueId":null,"AllowedIPAddresses":null,"CredentialsType":null,"CredentialsName":null,"Drift":"none","TempPath":null,"WSManUrl":null,"Id":1,"Name":"LOCALHOST","Variables":{}},{"Active":true,"Environments":["deploiement"],"Roles":["l-000-base","dc-dcs"],"ServerType":"ssh","HostName":"VM004001","Port":22,"EncryptionType":null,"EncryptionKey":null,"RequireSSL":null,"UniqueId":null,"AllowedIPAddresses":null,"CredentialsType":null,"CredentialsName":"ubuntu_test_20.04","Drift":"none","TempPath":"/tmp/otter2023","WSManUrl":null,"Id":1002,"Name":"VM004001","Variables":{}},{"Active":true,"Environments":["deploiement"],"Roles":["w-100-baseline","w-010-modules-dbatools"],"ServerType":"windows","HostName":"VM000127","Port":46336,"EncryptionType":"aes","EncryptionKey":"********************************************************","RequireSSL":null,"UniqueId":null,"AllowedIPAddresses":null,"CredentialsType":null,"CredentialsName":null,"Drift":"manuallyRemediate","TempPath":null,"WSManUrl":null,"Id":1003,"Name":"VM000127","Variables":{}}],"Environments":[{"ParentEnvironmentName":null,"ParentEnvironmentSet":true,"Id":1,"Name":"integration","Variables":{}},{"ParentEnvironmentName":null,"ParentEnvironmentSet":true,"Id":2,"Name":"developpement","Variables":{}},{"ParentEnvironmentName":null,"ParentEnvironmentSet":true,"Id":3,"Name":"production","Variables":{}},{"ParentEnvironmentName":"developpement","ParentEnvironmentSet":true,"Id":4,"Name":"recette","Variables":{}},{"ParentEnvironmentName":null,"ParentEnvironmentSet":true,"Id":5,"Name":"deploiement","Variables":{}}],"Roles":[{"Dependencies":[],"Id":2,"Name":"l-000-base","Variables":{}},{"Dependencies":[],"Id":3,"Name":"dc-p16","Variables":{"DC":{"Value":"P16","TypeCode":"S","Sensitive":false}}},{"Dependencies":[],"Id":4,"Name":"dc-dcs","Variables":{"DC":{"Value":"DCS","TypeCode":"S","Sensitive":false}}},{"Dependencies":[],"Id":6,"Name":"w-000-base","Variables":{}},{"Dependencies":["w-000-base"],"Id":7,"Name":"w-010-modules-base","Variables":{"PSModules":{"Value":"[\n{\"Nom\": \"Carbon\",\"Version\": \"2.13.0\"},\n{\"Nom\": \"ActiveDirectoryDsc\",\"Version\": \"6.2.0\"}\n]","TypeCode":"S","Sensitive":false}}},{"Dependencies":["w-010-modules-base"],"Id":8,"Name":"w-100-baseline","Variables":{}},{"Dependencies":[],"Id":9,"Name":"w-010-modules-dbatools","Variables":{"PSModules":{"Value":"[\n{\n\t\t\"Nom\": \"dbatools\",\n\t\t\"Version\": \"2.0.3\"\n\t},\n{\n\t\t\"Nom\": \"dbachecks\",\n\t\t\"Version\": \"2.0.18\"\n\t}\n]","TypeCode":"S","Sensitive":false}}}]}
RE: Sync BM from OT
no errors
{ "Servers": [ { "Active": true, "Environments": [], "Roles": [], "ServerType": "local", "HostName": null, "Port": null, "EncryptionType": null, "EncryptionKey": null, "RequireSSL": null, "UniqueId": null, "AllowedIPAddresses": null, "CredentialsType": null, "CredentialsName": null, "Drift": "none", "TempPath": null, "WSManUrl": null, "Id": 1, "Name": "LOCALHOST", "Variables": {}, }, { "Active": true, "Environments": ["deploiement"], "Roles": ["l-000-base", "dc-dcs"], "ServerType": "ssh", "HostName": "VM004001", "Port": 22, "EncryptionType": null, "EncryptionKey": null, "RequireSSL": null, "UniqueId": null, "AllowedIPAddresses": null, "CredentialsType": null, "CredentialsName": "ubuntu_test_20.04", "Drift": "none", "TempPath": "/tmp/otter2023", "WSManUrl": null, "Id": 1002, "Name": "VM004001", "Variables": {}, }, { "Active": true, "Environments": ["deploiement"], "Roles": ["w-000-base"], "ServerType": "windows", "HostName": "VM000127", "Port": 46336, "EncryptionType": "aes", "EncryptionKey": "********************************************************", "RequireSSL": null, "UniqueId": null, "AllowedIPAddresses": null, "CredentialsType": null, "CredentialsName": null, "Drift": "manuallyRemediate", "TempPath": null, "WSManUrl": null, "Id": 1003, "Name": "VM000127", "Variables": {}, }, ], "Environments": [ { "ParentEnvironmentName": null, "ParentEnvironmentSet": true, "Id": 1, "Name": "integration", "Variables": {}, }, { "ParentEnvironmentName": null, "ParentEnvironmentSet": true, "Id": 2, "Name": "developpement", "Variables": {}, }, { "ParentEnvironmentName": null, "ParentEnvironmentSet": true, "Id": 3, "Name": "production", "Variables": {}, }, { "ParentEnvironmentName": "developpement", "ParentEnvironmentSet": true, "Id": 4, "Name": "recette", "Variables": {}, }, { "ParentEnvironmentName": null, "ParentEnvironmentSet": true, "Id": 5, "Name": "deploiement", "Variables": {}, }, ], "Roles": [ { "Dependencies": [], "Id": 2, "Name": "l-000-base", "Variables": {} }, { "Dependencies": [], "Id": 3, "Name": "dc-p16", "Variables": { "DC": { "Value": "P16", "TypeCode": "S", "Sensitive": false } }, }, { "Dependencies": [], "Id": 4, "Name": "dc-dcs", "Variables": { "DC": { "Value": "DCS", "TypeCode": "S", "Sensitive": false } }, }, { "Dependencies": [], "Id": 6, "Name": "w-000-base", "Variables": {} }, ], }
Sync BM from OT
I testing the last version of BM and OT (both on docker).
I configured sync between OT and BM and I have this error message:Response body from "https://otter-2023.ocapiat.fr/api/infrastructure/all/list" could not be loaded as JSON.
while direct request :
return this json
Any idea ?
OT Version 2022.10 (Build 1)
BM Version 2022.9 (Build 5)Best regards
PhilippeC. -
RE: OT/BM Configure linux server connection with implicit sudo
Hi @atripp
it is not for bash script, but when using otter functions:
This will not work a "normal" user.Ensure-File /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml ( Exists: false );
I know this can be overcome with bash script, but it would nice to have checkbox "sudo" in otter function.
I might be the only person who wants this
Best regards
Philippe -
OT/BM Configure linux server connection with implicit sudo
Heĺlo Inedo team
Is there any way to add a server with ssh connection with implicit sudo ?
I have this case as ssh root login is not allowed on some of our servers.
Best regards
PhilippeC. -
RE: [OTTER 3] Upgrade to 3.0.21 breaks Template variables in Edit Template Details
I upgrade again to 3.0.21.
The problem occurs only for the job I wanted to modify.
All the others jobs can be edited.I have to roll back to 3.0.18.
If this pb is too complex to resolve, I will recreate the job. Let me know :)
Best regards
RE: [OTTER 3] Upgrade to 3.0.21 breaks Template variables in Edit Template Details
Hello @rhessinger
It happens for all the variables of all the templates jobs.
I did not try to create a new variables as I needed to modify an existing one. -
RE: [OTTER 3] Upgrade to 3.0.21 breaks Template variables in Edit Template Details
Downgrade to 3.0.18 restore the access.
Downgrade to 3.0.20 doesn't -
[OTTER 3] Upgrade to 3.0.21 breaks Template variables in Edit Template Details
I upgrade to 3.0.21 (build 2) and can't access to Template Variables anymore
Error log :
Details: URL: http://:8626/jobs/templates/edit-variable?templateId=Default::JobTemplate::VMWARE-VM-Creation&variableIndex=0
Referrer: https:///jobs/templates/template?templateId=Default::JobTemplate::VMWARE-VM-Creation
User: Admin
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/99.0.4844.82 Safari/537.36
Stack trace: à Inedo.Otter.WebApplication.Pages.Jobs.JobTemplates.EditJobTemplateVariablePage.CreateChildControls()
à Inedo.Otter.WebApplication.Pages.OtterSimplePageBase.<InitializeAsync>d__9.MoveNext()
--- Fin de la trace de la pile à partir de l'emplacement précédent au niveau duquel l'exception a été levée ---
à System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
à System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
à Inedo.Web.PageFree.SimplePageBase.<ExecutePageLifeCycleAsync>d__57.MoveNext()
--- Fin de la trace de la pile à partir de l'emplacement précédent au niveau duquel l'exception a été levée ---
à System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
à System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
à Inedo.Web.PageFree.SimplePageBase.<ProcessRequestAsync>d__56.MoveNext()
--- Fin de la trace de la pile à partir de l'emplacement précédent au niveau duquel l'exception a été levée ---
à System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
à System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
à System.Web.TaskAsyncHelper.EndTask(IAsyncResult ar)
à Inedo.Web.Handlers.AsyncHandlerWrapper.EndProcessRequest(IAsyncResult result)
à System.Web.HttpApplication.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute()
à System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStepImpl(IExecutionStep step)
à System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) -
RE: BM 6 - Deploy Configuration file with a lot of special characters
Thanks you Rich
it is working !. -
BM 6 - Deploy Configuration file with a lot of special characters
I am using BM to deploy HAProxy config and I need some help to add the following rules in a configuration file:
# ACL LOG4J https://www.haproxy.com/blog/december-2021-log4shell-mitigation/ option http-buffer-request acl log4shell url,url_dec -m reg \${[^}]*\${ acl log4shell url,url_dec -m reg \${jndi:(?:ldaps?|iiop|dns|rmi):// acl log4shell url,url_dec -i -m reg \${[\w${}\-:]*j[\w${}\-:]*n[\w${}\-:]*d[\w${}\-:]*i[\w${}\-:]*:.*} acl log4shell req.hdrs -m reg \${[^}]*\${ acl log4shell req.hdrs -m reg \${jndi:(?:ldaps?|iiop|dns|rmi):// acl log4shell req.hdrs -i -m reg \${[\w${}\-:]*j[\w${}\-:]*n[\w${}\-:]*d[\w${}\-:]*i[\w${}\-:]*:.*} acl log4shell_form req.body,url_dec -m reg \${[^}]*\${ acl log4shell_form req.body,url_dec -m reg \${jndi:(?:ldaps?|iiop|dns|rmi):// acl log4shell_form req.body,url_dec -i -m reg \${[\w${}\-:]*j[\w${}\-:]*n[\w${}\-:]*d[\w${}\-:]*i[\w${}\-:]*:.*} http-request deny if log4shell http-request deny if { req.fhdr(content-type) -m str application/x-www-form-urlencoded } log4shell_form
Special characters break the deployment
I tried to add ` in front of $ unsuccessfullyBest regards
Philippe C. -
RE: OTTER 3.0.12 / jobs scheduling add +2H
In user preference, I just can select Dark ModeHere are some screenshots on what I did - it not a recuring job
As it is not a recuring job I change your SQL request:
SELECT [Job_Id] ,[Job_Name] ,[LastRun_Date] ,[JobState_Code] ,[Job_Configuration] ,[Recurring_Indicator] ,[TriggeredBy_Template_Name] FROM [Otter3].[dbo].[Jobs] WHERE [Recurring_Indicator] = 'N'
<Inedo.Otter.Jobs.JobConfiguration Assembly="OtterCoreEx"> <Properties JobType="Orchestration" ServerTargeting="Specific" Simulation="False" Async="False"> <ScriptId>Windows::Script::SQL-BackupDatabaseVersTransit.ps1</ScriptId> <ServerNames> <Item>*********************</Item> </ServerNames> <ServerRoleNames /> <EnvironmentNames /> <Variables> <Variable Name="BackupInstance">**************</Variable> <Variable Name="BackupDB">*********</Variable> <Variable Name="BackupDestination">\\*****************$</Variable> </Variables> </Properties> </Inedo.Otter.Jobs.JobConfiguration>
Best Regards