Hey there here's our use case:
- We created a connector to an AzureDevops NuGet feed from our ProGet feed
- 3 packages on 4 can be fetched without any issue from our Proget feed
- 1 package fails when we try to install it from our Proget feed, but works fine directly from the Azure DevOps feed
An error occurred while retrieving package metadata for '**PackageName_Version**' from source '**our Proget Feed url**'.
- The difference with this package is that the .nuspec file contains a group which specifies targetFramework=".NETStandard2.0" under the dependencies section but this group is empty (no dependency specified under the group)
- We figured out that maybe ProGet assumes there will be at least 1 dependency under the group and looks for the id of the 1st one but finds none and crashes giving us this message
- Verbose logs from nuget.exe tell us the problematic endpoint is:
We noticed that all the versions from the problematic package have this form:
catalogEntry: {
authors: "***",
dependencyGroups: [
targetFramework: "netstandard2.0",
dependencies: [
id: "",
range: ""
description: "Package Description",
id: "**PackageName**",
published: "**Date**",
version: "**Date**"
The problematic part appear to be the empty id & range in the dependencies array, which should not the be there.
We looked at the NuSpec specifications and it seems normal to have a dependency group event if there`s none.
Let us know if it's really a ProGet bug or any more information regarding this error. Thanks a lot!!