My version of Proget is 6.0.7.
We created our own custom package and put it in a feed for custom packages made by my organization, called the IP feed. There's a secondary feed named Mainline, which has packages we store that we got from 3rd party sources, mainly Mainline has a connector to IP that pulls packages in from said feed.
Recently I was told that a Nuget Package was being removed from IP as it was renamed, and thus I should remove it from the feed. I delete it from IP, but it still shows in mainline. I then try the following:
- unlist package before ensuring all versions are deleted from IP.
- go into Azure Blob storage (where the packages are kept) and delete it. I'll note that it was not in blob under the containers that had IP or Mainline when I verified.
- run the cleanup tasks in the management UI on both feeds.
- set cleanup of the feed under storage and Retention to Delete Cached connector Packages, and delete old versions of everything except the 10 most recent. It's been 24 hours and it's still there.
- clicked the "clear cache" button on the feed management page.
I see it still in Mainline, with the little radio tower symbol which indicates it's pulled from a connector. In the dropdown menu that allows me to download a package the option to delete it is not one of them. I'm out of ideas, sadly.
Who do I have to sacrifice to make the package go away? Albino goats are particularly expensive.