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Deploy Package by keeping some folders intact

  • Hi,
    I would like to deploy a package to a windows IIS server which has PHP project. The problem I have is: I will have to keep some folders like "images", "cache" and also some files like web.config into destination folder which doesn't contain in package. I can't simply delete the folders mentioned above since it contains files that I want to keep regardless of my new deployment and in addition, those folders contains special permissions for the web server to write files into.
    How can I achieve that? I want to make sure that rest is all deleted before the deployment starts so that I get everything fresh from the deployment except those two-three folders and some files on destination folder.
    I know that this would be a common deployment question but I don't know what combination of action I can use to achieve this task.
    I appreciate your help.

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.8.1

  • Your best bet will be using either a Delete files action, or simply just the Transfer/Synchronize files action, along with some negative/exclusionary masks. For example...


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