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Error connecting to issue tracker

  • When trying to connect to an issue tracker (Bugzilla) from BM (v3.2.4) I get the following error message:
    An error occurred while loading this provider: '--' is an unexpected token. The expected token is '>'. Line 31, position 3.
    The Bugzilla extension (v3.0.6.0) is installed and current.

  • What version of BugZilla are you using?

  • Hi Karl
    Bugzilla 4.0 on a Win7 (64bit) machine

  • Did this just start happening all of a sudden?

    Can you try deleting the issue tracker, and then recreated it?

  • It happened just after installing Bugzilla and the free version of BuildMaster when testing the connection to Bugzilla from BM.
    Per your suggestion I removed then reinstalled Bugzilla with the same connection failure. I then removed both BM and Bugzilla. I reinstalled Bugzilla and BM but I keep getting the connection failure.
    FWIW I don't have this problem connecting with Git from BuildMaster.

  • Do you have access to the SQL Server that BuildMaster is using?

    Can you send the results of the following query to support-at-inedo-dot-com:

    SELECT * FROM Providers

    Most importantly, the Provider_Configuration column.

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