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ProGet OData V2 API
I wondering if there is an official recommendation on the ProGet API V2 (OData) and V3-JSON? All our Nuget conncectors are V3 and I have not users report a problem with the ProGet V2. I am asking because there is warning banner on the ProGet home page that states the NuGet feed is using deprecated OData (V2) queries.
Hi @rick-kramer_9238 ,
You should avoid the OData V2 API; it's been deprecated for many years, it's very slow/bulky, and it will likely have bugs in NuGet client, etc.
If you're getting those warnings, some user/script is making queries that are unsupported by nuget.org.
Does Proget support any information what client uses the OData V2 API?
Hi @stefan-seeland_4753 ,
I'm not totally sure what you mean by that... but to clarify, the API is technically called "NuGet API V2 (OData)" and it could be technically used by anything, but probably is just used by the NuGet client or a script/tool that someone wrote that uses it to query the feed.
There is no information available other than that, so you'd need to disable the feature on the feed (and therefore cause an error on the client) or use some kind of access monitoring tool to see where the query is coming from (IP address, etc).
If you're using Chocolatey at a version lower than 2.0.0 then there was only NuGet v2 support. Since 2.0.0 we've added support for NuGet v3. We also send
chocolatey cli
in the headers of the request, so you would be able to monitor the traffic and determin which traffic is originating from that tool.But as others mentioned, you wouldn't be able to determine much from the ProGet side.