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Trigger build by NuGet release

  • Apologies if the answer to this question is very obvious, but after reading documentation I'm not quite sure how to achieve the following:

    I want to be able to automatically trigger a build and deployment to Integration whenever a new version of a certain NuGet package is released. But I can seem tofind where I could setup the trigger that looks at the version of the NuGet package.

    Thanks for any pointers!


  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @Justinvolved ,

    We don't currently have that type of monitor/trigger, but it's something we'd like to support in the future... in addition to new triggers like for Docker images, etc. Our extensible ResourceMonitor Feature is capable of handling this, but it just needs to be coded.

    If you're interested, it'd be relatively easy...

    • Create a create a class called PackageVersion that will store latest version number of a package (like Revision Number on SvnRepositoryCommit.cs)
    • Create a resource monitor that queries for package versions (like how SvnRepositoryMonitor.cs monitors paths)

    Hope that helps !


  • Hi @atripp

    Thanks, that looks easy enough, So I will get to it :-)


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