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BM 6 - Deploy Configuration file with a lot of special characters

  • Hello

    I am using BM to deploy HAProxy config and I need some help to add the following rules in a configuration file:

    # ACL LOG4J  https://www.haproxy.com/blog/december-2021-log4shell-mitigation/
       option http-buffer-request
       acl log4shell url,url_dec -m reg \${[^}]*\${
       acl log4shell url,url_dec -m reg \${jndi:(?:ldaps?|iiop|dns|rmi)://
       acl log4shell url,url_dec -i -m reg \${[\w${}\-:]*j[\w${}\-:]*n[\w${}\-:]*d[\w${}\-:]*i[\w${}\-:]*:.*}
       acl log4shell req.hdrs -m reg \${[^}]*\${
       acl log4shell req.hdrs -m reg \${jndi:(?:ldaps?|iiop|dns|rmi)://
       acl log4shell req.hdrs -i -m reg \${[\w${}\-:]*j[\w${}\-:]*n[\w${}\-:]*d[\w${}\-:]*i[\w${}\-:]*:.*}
       acl log4shell_form req.body,url_dec -m reg \${[^}]*\${
       acl log4shell_form req.body,url_dec -m reg \${jndi:(?:ldaps?|iiop|dns|rmi)://
       acl log4shell_form req.body,url_dec -i -m reg \${[\w${}\-:]*j[\w${}\-:]*n[\w${}\-:]*d[\w${}\-:]*i[\w${}\-:]*:.*}
       http-request deny if log4shell
       http-request deny if { req.fhdr(content-type) -m str application/x-www-form-urlencoded } log4shell_form

    Special characters break the deployment
    I tried to add ` in front of $ unsuccessfully

    Best regards
    Philippe C.

  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @philippe-camelio_3885,

    In my experience you should only need to add ` in front of all the $ and that should work. Can you give this version a try?

    # ACL LOG4J  https://www.haproxy.com/blog/december-2021-log4shell-mitigation/
       option http-buffer-request
       acl log4shell url,url_dec -m reg \`${[^}]*\`${
       acl log4shell url,url_dec -m reg \`${jndi:(?:ldaps?|iiop|dns|rmi)://
       acl log4shell url,url_dec -i -m reg \`${[\w`${}\-:]*j[\w`${}\-:]*n[\w`${}\-:]*d[\w`${}\-:]*i[\w`${}\-:]*:.*}
       acl log4shell req.hdrs -m reg \`${[^}]*\`${
       acl log4shell req.hdrs -m reg \`${jndi:(?:ldaps?|iiop|dns|rmi)://
       acl log4shell req.hdrs -i -m reg \`${[\w`${}\-:]*j[\w`${}\-:]*n[\w`${}\-:]*d[\w`${}\-:]*i[\w`${}\-:]*:.*}
       acl log4shell_form req.body,url_dec -m reg \`${[^}]*\`${
       acl log4shell_form req.body,url_dec -m reg \`${jndi:(?:ldaps?|iiop|dns|rmi)://
       acl log4shell_form req.body,url_dec -i -m reg \`${[\w`${}\-:]*j[\w`${}\-:]*n[\w`${}\-:]*d[\w`${}\-:]*i[\w`${}\-:]*:.*}
       http-request deny if log4shell
       http-request deny if { req.fhdr(content-type) -m str application/x-www-form-urlencoded } log4shell_form


  • Thanks you Rich
    it is working !.

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