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Proget: some metadata sent with Jenkins uploadProgetPackage plugin not applied

  • Hi!

    I'm using the Jenkins uploadProgetPackage plugin, and it looks like it's recently been updated to allow pushing some new fields: metadata, description, and title. (or I never noticed it before)

    I've tried adding them to my pipeline step, and I am only seeing the description field populated with what I've sent.

    I only see the title data in the "old" UI, I can't find it in the new UI.

    I don't see any metadata that I've sent up.

    the code:

    uploadProgetPackage artifacts: map.artifact,
          excludes:    map.exclude,
          feedName:    map.feedName,
          groupName:   map.groupName,
          packageName: newPackageName,
          version:     map.version,
          description: 'some text',
          title: 'a title',
          metadata: 'key1=value1'

    thanks for any help!

  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @mcascone ,

    I'm not super-familiar with the Jenkins plugin, but it's possible we're just not displaying those fields in the ProGet UI. It sounds like at least some are in the "old" UI.

    Are these fields showing up in the manifest upack.json metadata file?


  • ah yes, i thought of that but didn't get around to checking... they are there:

    "group": "myGroup",
    "name": "PipelineTest",
    "version": "4.3.1-PLATDEV-11339-promotion-flow-test-7",
    "title": "i am the title",
    "description": "i am the description",
    "key1": "value1"

  • inedo-engineer

    @mcascone thanks for checking, looks like this is missing on the display end. And just to confirm, what version of ProGet is this? v5.3 or v6?

  • We're still on Version 5.3.17 (Build 19).

  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @mcascone,

    It looks like this isn't being displayed in ProGet's UI, so we'll fix this via PG-2038


  • Hi there!

    I just updated our instance to 6.0.12, and this change appears to have been made. Thanks!

    ...however, now a lot of the packages show "place title here" in the package listing, which is causing a lot of confusion:

    I will have to update the jenkins pipeline that sends the title metadata to send the package name, so this stops happening.

    Is there any way to fix the existing data? I don't seem to be able to alter any of the metadata in the UI - which is by design, I'm sure, but in this case it's a bit of an issue.


  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @mcascone,

    To do this, you'd want to download the latest version of the package, edit it in a zip file, then reupload it. A little tedios but fastest way I think


  • Thanks, yeah, that seems to work.

    I changed my pipeline code to not send any title metadata to ProGet, which returned that field in the UI to its original behavior.

    I also found that rebuilding an existing package, and sent to ProGet with the updated pipeline, has the same effect.

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