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BuildMaster Automated BuildTriggers
Trying to explore creating a new build at a specific interval on a weekly basis. The field Run At Time always changing back to "00.00" even if I set it something like "05:00". Wondering what is the syntax that goes in here.
Using BuildMaster v7.0.4 on local environment.
Setting custom format with 12:35PM, see the screenshot below...
Gets saved as below:
What gives?
The documentation to the format is at https://www.quartz-scheduler.net/documentation/quartz-3.x/tutorial/crontrigger.html#format.... got it...
I am noticing that all scheduled builds only starts from tomorrow... I can't check if my schedule works by setting the build to happen next hour 13:00 or 13:15... it always seem to change the date to tomorrow and beyond...
Hi @sbolisetty_3792 ,
Cron format is a bit tricky, but it "can do anything"... so it seemed like an "decent" compromise to use that for advanced/custom intervals.
But to be honest, even after reading the docs, I can never figure it out, and always use a generator like this:
What cron expression do you use, and what time of day did you check the "next run time".
@atripp The links are very helpful... BM always showing the time in UTC...though I updated the server time to be localtimezone. So, the scheduling automatically changes the next run to be in the UTC format... once this is understood, I see that the cron based scheduling is working as expected...
Thanks for your help.