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OTTER 3 - Can't make new PSEnsure working

  • Hello

    I am looking to use the new PSEnsure. but it is not working. - I mean I can't find the right syntax :(
    Any help would be appreciated

    PS SCript

    Create AD Group 
    if ($ExecMode -eq "Configure") {
        New-ADGroup -Name $Name -GroupCategory $GroupCategory -GroupScope $GroupScope  -DisplayName $DisplayName -Path $Path -Description $Description
    if ([bool](Get-ADGroup -filter "Name -eq '$($Name)'")){ return $true} else { return $false }

    Configuraiton Plan for a Role

    # Groupes AD
        # Groupe Administrateurs locaux du serveur
        set $Path = OU=Serveurs,OU=Groupes,$DomainNameDC;
        set $Description = Administrateurs locaux du serveur;
        set $Name = SRV-ADM-$ServerName;
        PSEnsure Set-ADGroup
            Name: $Name,
            GroupCategory: Security,
            GroupScope: Domainlocal,
            DisplayName: $Name,
            Path: $Path,
            Description: $Description
        set $Name = SRV-USR-$ServerName;
        set $Description = Utilisateurs locaux du serveur;
        PSEnsure Set-ADGroup
            Name: $Name,
            GroupCategory: Security,
            GroupScope: Domainlocal,
            DisplayName: $Name,
            Path: $Path,
            Description: $Description

    The partial result of the Collect step is:

    Collecting current configuration from server...
    Importing ExecMode...
    Assigning parameter Name...
    Assigning parameter GroupCategory...
    Assigning parameter GroupScope...
    Assigning parameter DisplayName...
    Assigning parameter Path...
    Assigning parameter Description...
    Storing current configuration...
    Comparing configuration...
    Difference: SRV-ADM-VM008003
     =Template=> True
     = Actual => 
    Configuration drift detected.

    A Configuration drift is detected but it should not, what is wrong ?

  • inedo-engineer

    Hey @philippe-camelio_3885 ,

    Ah, looks like this is a bug in the Scripting extension, and will happen if you don't specify the .AHCURRENTVALUE comment block.

    I just patched it real quick (please install Scripting v1.10.2-CI.1), and now at a absolute minimum this would work:

    Create AD Group 

    Given your script, here are the other values I recommend...


    There's something a little funny about the collected Value after remediating drift, but taht's something we'll look at later. For now we need to get these docs published; they're draft for now.

    Anyway please give this a shot and let us know how it goes

  • Thank you Alex

    bug is gone 👏

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