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Assembly Signing

  • How do I sign my .NET assembly in BuildMaster v3?

  • Are you referring to strong-naming, or code-signing?

    Strong-naming is most easily done by specifying the .snk file in the project and referencing it that way (thus, when the project is built, it is signed then without further action necessary). If you can't do that for some reason, you can use the "Execute Command Line" action and point it at the Strong Name Tool (sn.exe) with the appropriate arguments in the Windows SDK (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/k5b5tt23.aspx).

    If you're referring to code-signing, there's a "Sign Executable" action in the Windows SDK extension that can be configured to use a specified certificate and timestamp.

  • I was refering to Strong-Naming. I was using a passworded file .pfx and therefore causing issues, I moved to a .snk file (not password protected) and it's working correctly now.

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