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Creating a v6 application to monitor Azure DevOps repository and perform a simple build; can anyone help or offer suggestions?

  • Sorry for asking such a basic question, but can anyone provide guidance/steps for creating a BuildMaster V6 application to monitor a source control repository and download/copy all the files from the latest version of the source when there is a checkin?

    I have looked at any tutorials that I can find, as well as reading the current documentation; but I seem to be getting lost somewhere (or I'm making it more complicated than it needs to be).

    I created this type of application in an older version of BuildMaster (possibly as old as v4), monitoring an on-site TFS server (using the Legacy TFS Extension, I think); and this is still running in v5 of BuildMaster.

    We are working on moving our source control to Azure DevOps. I have now installed BuildMaster v6.2.5 (on a different server), which has the ability to monitor an Azure DevOps repository (see this item https://forums.inedo.com/topic/2876/has-anyone-created-a-buildmaster-repository-monitor-for-azure-tfvc), and I would like to create a simple BuildMaster application that is triggered by a checkin to a specific Azure DevOps repository and then does a "build" (download any changes in the repository to a local folder), and sends an email at the end of the process. I don't need a Visual Studio style "build/compile" step, and I don't need integration or testing or any of the other steps.

    I would appreciate any suggestions or help, or links to any articles or specific documentation.

  • inedo-engineer

    Not a basic question, we're always working to make BuildMaster as easy to use as possible, so getting feedback on how to improve our docs and tutorials will be great :)

    If you haven't seen it already, we've recently updated our Azure DevOps Integration Documentation; there's a lot of content there, and we hope to continue to make it easier and include tutorials at some point.

    Basically though, I recommend you start with Create New Application > Azure DevOps CI/CD. That will create an application with the Azure DevOps CI/CD Template, and you can see how a "full CI/CD" would work. It should just build "out of the box", and use our publicly-available AzureDevOps repository.

    What your'e describing, it seems like just a small portion of that. Once you've got the manual process working, it's just a matter of creating a Git repository monitor. you can configure that to monitor the branches in your AzureDevOps repository.


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