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Upgrade hung, after installer killed, hub crashes and can't run any installers
I tried upgrading from 5.1.11 to 5.1.21 and the installer hung. I let it run overnight to make sure it was frozen and not just slow, but this morning the installer was still not finished. I killed the installer and tried opening it again. The installer simply crashed on launch.
I then tried launching Inedo Hub. It crashes as well. I then tried uninstalling the Hub, but it does not appear in Add/Remove programs. I then tried double clicking on the InedoHubUninstaller.exe in the inedo Hub app directory and it seems to do nothing. A dialog appears asking if you want to unsinstall hub or launch hub. Clicking the launch button causes a crash, clicking the uninstall button does nothing except close the dialog.
I am at a loss as to how to get my nuget server running again. I can't uninstall hub or proget. I can't upgrade and I can't launch.
Product: ProGet
Version: 5.1.11
Try reinstalling the Hub from the download here.
Does it start after doing this?
Hi Dean,
As I mentioned, I can't re-install because the installer crashes. I can't uninstall because hub does not appear in add/remove programs and the uninstaller in the app folder does nothing.
Here are two posts that might help at least show you where to poke around:
If you can identify more specifically what the issue is, we can try to look for a fix!
After doing the steps in the links, I was able to remove and re-install proget (using offline installer).
After that, Hub still didn't work, so I tried running the online-installer which downloads the Hub at the beginning of the install and that seemed to fix the Hub.
Thanks for your help Dean.