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Detect legacy features question

  • I've been working to clean up legacy items and I am confused by one aspect.
    In the report it is saying i have legacy template variables but when I view the Variables page in the admin it is not indicating any legacy variables.

    So just wanting to clarify what is it this is complaining about?

    The main variables I have are release templates and pipeline and while the variable names listed are some I have the log listing the legacy variables is not clear where they are.

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 6.0.10

  • inedo-engineer

    These Legacy Template Variables (Release, Build, Execution, Promotion) are defined at the application-level, not at the system-level.

    If you View Full Log, you should be able to find a block that looks something like this:

    WARN : 2018-02-21 22:37:21Z - Legacy template variable declarations found:
    WARN : 2018-02-21 22:37:21Z - ID: 107;	Name: BUILD-SOURCE;	Scope: Release
    WARN : 2018-02-21 22:37:21Z - ID: 92;	Name: BUILD-SOURCE;	Scope: Release
    WARN : 2018-02-21 22:37:21Z - ID: 108;	Name: BUILD-SOURCE;	Scope: Release
    WARN : 2018-02-21 22:37:21Z - ID: 109;	Name: BUILD-SOURCE;	Scope: Release
    WARN : 2018-02-21 22:37:21Z - ID: 111;	Name: BUILD-SOURCE;	Scope: Release
    WARN : 2018-02-21 22:37:21Z - ID: 112;	Name: BUILD-SOURCE;	Scope: Release
    WARN : 2018-02-21 22:37:21Z - ID: 113;	Name: BUILD-SOURCE;	Scope: Release

    If that's not enough information to locate, you can look directly in the SQL Server Database to find out.

  • Alana,
    are those in the Application | Settings? If so then I do know where they are now.
    I've used those in almost every application.

  • inedo-engineer

    Yes. But hmm ... maybe it's a disabled application? You should be able to find those in the VariableDeclarations table; those IDs refer to those.

  • Are the Id's listed supposed to match the Variable Id? I'm referring the number values not the string values.
    When I view the Global Variables area should they be in a Legacy Variables list? I do see variables there but do not see any Legacy list.

  • inedo-engineer

    Without seeing your log, I really don't know. But in this case...

    WARN : 2018-02-21 22:37:21Z - ID: 107;	Name: BUILD-SOURCE;	Scope: Release

    We have a legacy release template variable called "BULID-SOURCE". This will only show up in an application's settings page, it will not show up under global.

    So how can we find the application? well, if I run this query, SELECT Scoped_Application_Id FROM VariableDeclarations WHERE VariableDeclaration_Id=107 I can find the application id. From there, I can enter it in the navigation bar, and find the variables.

  • Alana,
    thanks. I didn't realize those variables did not appear in that list, thought that was all variables.
    In any event, knowing they are app settings variables helps.


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