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ProGet integrated web server hosting with different BaseUrl

  • I want to put ProGet behind a reverse proxy, but also include a BaseUrl because more applications are running on the same hostname. As such I have set the BaseUrl (to https://my.host.name/proget/) under advanced settings, but it doesn't seem to have any effect on the generated pages. As such all links and references to stylesheets etc. are broken. Is this supposed to work with the integrated webserver? I also couldn't find a way to configure the integrated webserver to host on http://*:81/proget/, that would probably solve the problem as well.

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.7.13

  • The BASEURL is for protocl and host name/port only.

    For simplicity and security reasons, our tools do not support being put under a "virtual" directory like that. Some users have reported success with using reverse proxies, but we do not support it.

  • Does that apply to the integrated webserver only? When hosted under IIS, does the same constraint apply?

  • It's not supported under any hosting (IWS, IIS); our applications must be a "root" application.

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