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Can't commincate with Windows agent

  • Hello,

    With version 5.1.4 I can't communicate with Windows agents.
    I tried with the AES encryption at first, but then turned that off.
    I'm trying on port 6468, which was the default port with the older version of the agent.
    The server is listening on port 6468 when I do a netstat.
    Tried on two servers, same error.
    Windows firewall turned off to test.

    Would also be nice to have a "test server connection" button as the only way I can find to force a connection test is to restart the BuildMaster service.

    Log below.



    Agent Updates
    Unhandled exception while attempting agent update check.
    System.InvalidOperationException: The connection was closed unexpectedly.
    at Inedo.BuildMaster.Extensibility.Agents.LegacyTcp.TcpAgentClient.SendHandshake(String securityToken)
    at Inedo.BuildMaster.Extensibility.Agents.LegacyTcp.TcpAgentClientPool.CreateClient(Endpoint endpoint)
    at Inedo.BuildMaster.Extensibility.Agents.LegacyTcp.ClientConnectionPool`2.AcquireConnection(TEndpoint endpoint)
    at Inedo.BuildMaster.Extensibility.Agents.LegacyTcp.TcpAgentClientPool.GetClient(String hostName, Int32 port, String securityToken, Boolean ssl, Boolean ignoreCertificateErrors)
    at Inedo.BuildMaster.Extensibility.Agents.LegacyTcp.LegacyTcpAgent.GetClient()
    at Inedo.BuildMaster.Extensibility.Agents.LegacyTcp.LegacyTcpAgent.Inedo.BuildMaster.Extensibility.Agents.IHostedLegacyAgent.GetHostedAgentInfo(IHostedAgentContext context)
    at Inedo.BuildMaster.Windows.ServiceApplication.AgentUpdater.Legacy.GetAgentStatus(IHostedLegacyAgent agent, IHostedAgentContext context)
    at Inedo.BuildMaster.Windows.ServiceApplication.AgentUpdater.Legacy.CheckLegacyAgent(BackgroundTaskContext`1 context, IHostedLegacyAgent agent, Servers server)
    at Inedo.BuildMaster.Windows.ServiceApplication.AgentUpdater.<CheckServerAsync>d__9.MoveNext()

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 5.1.4

  • The connection attempt is failing during the handshake, which could mean a lot of things... in this case, I'm wondering if it's because the wrong agent type is installed.

    I'm seeing that you've configured BuildMaster to communicate with a Legacy BuildMaster Agent (LegacyTcp); note this will only work when the Legacy Self-hosted agent is installed on the server.

    If you installed the new, Inedo Agent, then you will need to set it up as a Windows agent, not a (Legacy).

  • Hi,

    Yes, I'm using the Windows agent:

    I've updated to version 5.1.5 and all is well now :-)

    Also, thanks for adding the server refresh button.



  • Hi,

    Version number for the Windows agent shows in add/remove programs.



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