To recap for future reference.
To push a package containing symbols and sourcecode the following has been tested and worked fine with nuget 2.8:
Create nuget package using: nuget pack foo.csproj -Symbols
Alternatively use: nuget pack foo.spec -Symbols
The above command will create two nupkg. The one decorated with the word symbols does contain all libs as well as the sourcecode and PDB files.
You cna check yourselfes by opening hte nupkg in something like winzip or 7zip, since the package is basically a zip file.
Push the symbols package to proget.
check the package on the feed. If the symbols server is activated the package info will show that symbols and source are available.
Follow the Inedo guide on how to add The Proget symbol server support into Visual Studio.
Food for thought.
My, very quick test, shows me that a package build in the .NET 4.0 framework, of course works fine in a .NET 4.5 project, but i could not use the symbols to debug.
I tried to remove the package, downgrade my test project to .NET 4.0 and reinstall the package.
Now i could debug nicely into the source.
Bottomline. The symbols package and the project that uses it must be on the same .NET version for the symbols to work. Symbols compatibility does, apparently, not span framework versions, even thou the frameworks themselves are backwards compatible.