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Aggregating 2 Feeds in ProGet Free Edition
I'm currently evaluating ProGet using the Free Edition.
I've setup a feed 'npm-internal' with no connectors to act as storage for internal packages
I've also setup a feed 'npm-external' to proxy and cache registry.npmjs.orgI would like to be able to aggregate these into 1 feed, which the documentation suggests is possible in the free edition.
You are allowed to connect to 'other feeds in the same instance'I appreciate it's possible to achieve this by just using one feed, but then it might become difficult to distinguish which were internal packages should you want to migrate to a different system in the future.
So i've tried to create a feed to combine to the two, but unsuccessfully:
Create a new NPM feed -> Connect to a ProGet Feed -> Connect to a Feed on this server -> choose 'npm-internal', give it a name etc. If you go to the feed page for this new feed, it says an error occurred while querying connectors for this feed (Connection refused). If you go to the connectors settings for this feed, you can add the npm-external connector, but if you go back to the feed page then you now get 2 connection refused errors.
Version 24.24 (Build 1) - running inside a docker container on Linux
Hi @kc_2466 ,
Self-connectors (i.e. a connector to another feed in the same instance) use the HTTP API, so the server (container) needs to talk to itself. The "connection refused" means that there's some kind of network configuration problem here.
You may need to try using a different host name/port/etc to allow for "self-communication" like this.