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[BM] Bug with variables get from a list at build level
I may have found a nice bug
From i small pipeline, I ran a test script which only display 2 variables.
The goal is to concatenate the value of these values to a third one like a docker container and "version"I assign values at the Build step
- One from a text field
- One from a
** a text
** a list
And I display the results,
${VAR1}:${VAR2}If VAR2 is select from a text, I have got what expected
If I select VAR2 from a list :
The carriage return is added and mess up the final variable
Here are the Pipeline used and the script
{ "Name": "TEST", "Description": "Just creates a blank pipeline where that can add stages, approvals, etc., to as you need.", "Stages": [ { "Name": "STEP 1", "Description": "", "Targets": [ { "ScriptId": "TEST", "ServerNames": [ "LOCALHOST" ], "ServerRoleNames": [], "DefaultServerContext": 1 } ], "Gate": { "UserApprovals": [], "GroupApprovals": [], "DeploymentWindows": [], "AutomatedChecks": { "Issues": { "Statuses": [] } }, "AutomaticApprovals": [] }, "AllowMultipleActiveBuilds": false }, { "Name": "STEP 2", "Description": "", "Targets": [], "Gate": { "UserApprovals": [], "GroupApprovals": [], "DeploymentWindows": [], "AutomatedChecks": { "Issues": { "Statuses": [] } }, "AutomaticApprovals": [] }, "AllowMultipleActiveBuilds": false } ], "TemplateVariables": [ { "Name": "VAR1", "Description": "", "InitialValue": "list1", "Required": true, "Type": "List", "Usage": "Build", "PipelineStageNames": [], "ListValues": [ "list1\r", "list2" ] }, { "Name": "VAR2", "Description": "", "InitialValue": "var2", "Required": true, "Type": "Text", "Usage": "Build", "PipelineStageNames": [], "ListValues": [] } ], "EventListeners": [ { "Event": 5, "PipelineStageNames": [], "Type": "DeployReleaseEventListener" }, { "Event": 5, "PipelineStageNames": [], "Type": "CreateReleaseEventListener" } ] }
Script TEST
Log-Information ${VAR1}; Log-Information ${VAR2}; Log-Information ${VAR1}:${VAR2};
Best tests
The bug can be overcome using $trim function
Thanks for finding this and providing a work around. I have added a ticket, BM-3915, to fix this issue. It should be released within the next couple of versions of BuildMaster.