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Delete docker image
When calling
HTTP DELETE https://proget-url/v2/docker/<repository>/manifests/sha256:a70976d047a23f8c53fd03e2cb5367de239552aa7514a18eb4201053389c0ccb
with basic auth "api:myapikey" I get the following error:{ "errors": [ { "code": "UNAUTHORIZED", "message": "Anonymous is not permitted to perform the Feeds_DeletePackage task for the current scope.", "detail": [ { "Type": "repository", "Name": "<repository>", "Action": "push" } ] } ] }
This was working some time ago. Am I doing something wrong?
The Docker API is supposed to only support based bearer authentication, but in previous versions (v5) it also worked with Basic auth.
There's a sample script on this page that shows how you can authenticate: