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Feature Suggestion: Allow Notes on Permissions

  • I had to get into my permissions for ProGet again today. As I am doing so, I end up wondering why I have some permissions set the way they are. I then have to try to figure it out again (and hope I don't miss anything).

    I would like to suggest that you allow adding a comment/note next to permission entries. This will allow explanations of permissions for future maintainers.

    Basically it would hold comments like:

    • Don't add normal users to to this feed, it contains sensitive information
    • This restriction is needed to keep the "general use" api key user out of this feed.
    • This feed's department requests to be contacted before new users are added to the feed.

    This is not a high priority need, but would be useful (at least to me).

  • inedo-engineer

    @Stephen-Schaff thanks! We are planning to rebuild all the users/groups/permissions pages in the coming weeks, so I'll also this as something for us to consider getting in

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