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Feature Suggestion: Create a "Sandbox" License Tier for ProGet

  • We use ProGet for a lot of things. It is embarrassing for me to have downtimes with ProGet due to a configuration error, because so many developers depend on it. When the work day is done, many nightly builds startup and also need ProGet to run successfully.

    This means it is really hard to make configuration changes to ProGet at a time that does not cause issues for someone. This is normal though. All systems have this.

    But most systems offer an instance that can be used to test out configuration changes, prior to deploying them to the real server. This allows deployment with confidence. Without this I am testing out configuration changes right on my production ProGet server (that all my Developers use).

    However, it is hard to get approval for another production level license of ProGet because it is known that it will sit unused the vast majority of the time. (Between configuration changes.)

    This request is to have Inedo consider the possibility of offering another (cheaper) Tier of pricing for a instance that is only for sandbox/configuration testing use. Meaning that it can't be used by developers or autobuilds (or any other use where real packages are downloaded for real use). I would recommend it only be available to those who also purchase a normal license (to prevent abuse).

  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @Stephen-Schaff,

    Thanks for the request!

    As you noted, testing/sandbox environments are really important... not just for configuration changes and upgrades, but also for training and exploring features.

    But setting up the right test/sandbox environment -- one that delivers value -- can get complicated, because there's a lot of infrastructure to duplicate, which is significantly more expensive than just the licensing fee of ProGet. For example, when you have multiple instances of ProGet Enterprise replicating, some in HA, some not in HA, how and what do you test? And so on.

    For ProGet Enterprise customers, we do our best to help develop a test/sandbox environment that works from a value-standpoint. Whether that means mixing less-expensive ProGet Basic instances in, or creating smaller clusters with, say, two nodes instead of four.

    For ProGet Basic customers, there's just a single instance and single server to consider. As such, we've found that there isn't a lot of middle ground in terms of value between using ProGet Free as a test/sandbox environment, and purchasing another ProGet Basic license.

    What features/configurations specifically would you want to test in ProGet Basic that you couldn't in ProGet Free?

  • My current issue (User seen as a Group) requires me to "Change User Directory" and fully swap out the permissions of my ProGet server. From the old LDAP legacy option, to the newer Active Directory option.

    But Active Directory Integration is not available in the free version of ProGet. So I am stuck making this change in production, hoping that it does not cause an issue for Nightly Builds (I will try it at night).

    Or I have to try to talk my boss into another license of ProGet. One that will sit unused 80% of the time. It is hard to get a request like that approved. It makes management wonder why we use a product with licensing like that. Most of our other products include sandbox instances for free or at a significantly reduced price. (Since it is understood that you are not using it for the actual purpose of the product, but just to enable smooth configuration deployments and upgrades.)

  • OK, I did a bit of looking around and ProGet is currently very well priced compared to its competitors. I can easily buy two servers of ProGet for the price of single a JFrog license.

    If needed, I could try to use that to convince my Management to purchase a second production license for use as a Sandbox instance.

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