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OTTER - Capture Logs from block execution and assign to variables ?

  • Hello

    I am looking a way to get catch values from the log of a block execution in order and assign to variables for a second block / module.

    Otter Orchestration to create VM.
    The name and its IP adress are dynamically created by the ansible script.

    ##AH:Description Deploiement d'une VM à partird'un template
    set $octet2=100;
    set $octet3=4;
    set $YML=linux.yml;
    set $template=GI-DCS-UBUNTU-20.04.1-20210121
    for server ANSIBLE-MASTER
        # Loop
        foreach $VM in @Range(1, 2)
            call ANSIBLE::BM-AnsiblePlayBook
                PLAYBOOK: vmware,
                EXTRAVARS: %(octet2:$octet2,octet3:$octet3,template:$template,annotation:$annotation'),
                YML: $YML,
                Role: NON

    The ANSIBLE::BM-Playbook module returns the log:

    PLAY [] ***************************************************************
    TASK [Definition du nom de la VM et de son IP] *********************************
    changed: []
    TASK [set_fact] ****************************************************************
    ok: []
    TASK [set_fact] ****************************************************************
    ok: []
    TASK [set_fact] ****************************************************************
    ok: []
    TASK [set_fact] ****************************************************************
    ok: []
    TASK [set_fact] ****************************************************************
    ok: []
    TASK [Creation de la VM VM004011 avec IP] **************************
    changed: []
    PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************                  : ok=7    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   

    Is it possible to get the VM Name (VM004001) and the IP ( to pass them to some module in the same Otter Orchestration Job ?

    call ANSIBLE::BM-AnsiblePlayBook
    call SomeOtterModule ($VM,$IP)


  • inedo-engineer

    @philippe-camelio_3885 said in OTTER - Capture Logs from block execution and assign to variables ?:

    The ANSIBLE::BM-Playbook module returns the log:

    By this, I assume you mean, writes to the Otter execution log, either via Log-Information or an execute process? You might have to do this via PSExec, write the logs to text, and parse it out that way using a regular expression...

    At this time, there's no way to read entries from the log during a live execution.


  • OK
    I understand I have to manage this at the script level (SHExec ou PSExec).
    I hoped I could do it inside Otter Script, something like :

    SHExec >>
    Some command
      OutputLog: $MyOutput

    Thanks you @atripp

  • inedo-engineer

    @philippe-camelio_3885 oh i see; you mean, capture the output of a process or script execution into a variable or something.

    Definitely something to consider as an enhancement, I think. That wouldnt' be too bad (though the variable could get huge, and rutnime variables raen't realy designed for large amounts of text like that)

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