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Apply template to a group of applications
Is it possible?
It would be a nice feature at least for me
I am using BM to deploy few plugins to an application.
I made one app for each plugin based on the plugin but I had to modify the pipeline, so I re apply the template one by one ...
Thank you
I have just seen the varibale have been crashed when I reapply the template
Glad to see you made your own templates!
So, there are two types of templates:
Setup Templates, which are the JSON-based templates that give you access to quick settings
Application Templates, which contain plans, pipelines... and setup templates
I just want to confirm, when you say "Apply Template", do you mean the latter (Application Template)?
If you can let me know about the error, such as a stack trace or log file, I can investigate!
There was no errors, I had variables in the template and I re apply the template because I made some modifications on the Pipeline.
I did not anticiped that the reload of the tempalte removed the new value of the variables.It would be nice to be able to check when you reload a Tempalte what you want to update
(Variables, Pipeline etc ....).
And I did not find if it is possible to re-apply a template to a Group of applications