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BM 6.2 - Migrate Applicaitons Templates from Inedo to internal Prget - Need Help, please
I want to move the build template configration linked to INedo Proget to my Proget instance.
and I have some problem with CredentialsSteps I have done:
- Proget : Create a Universal Feed named BuildMasterTemplate
- Proget: Create a Feed Connector named Inedo BuildMaster Templates) with the connector URL : https://proget.inedo.com/upack/BuildMasterTemplates/
- Create a Buildin account BuildMasterTemplate and assign PublishPackages task to the "BuildMaster Templates" Feed (AD authentification is enable, but Integrated authentification as not be set),
- Give to that
I can navigate to this Feed and see all the Inedo Template.
- BuildMaster : Create a Secure Credentials named global::Proget BuildMasterTemplate, UserName BuildMasterTemplate
- BuildMaster: Modify the existing Secure Resources global::Templates with :
** API Endpoint Url: https://proget.<mydomain>/upack/BuildMasterTemplate
** Credentials : global::Proget BuildMasterTemplate
If I want to Create a New Application, I have the error msg:
There was an error connecting to the "Templates" package source: Le serveur distant a retourné une erreur : (401) Non autorisé.
Any help is welcome
All of the steps look correct!
I assume that,
global::Proget BuildMasterTemplate
contains a domain username.password with access to the feed?The first thing I would try is to (temporarily) change
global::Proget BuildMasterTemplate
to your name/password. If that doesn't work, then grant Anonymous access to the feed.If it still doesn't work, then I think the problem is that Integrated Authentication is enabled on IIS. Even though it's not enabled in ProGet, IIS will still force authentication.
The account is a builtin account.
I removed the The Integrated Authentication in IIS and uncheck it in Proget for the test as I read in the forum in some case it might be a problem.I ll try with a domain account and anonymous and let you know
I switch to a domain account and it works ...
Small bug I guess
Thanks for the fast reply