Hi Alana,
After defragmenting the indexes and updating the statistics, we are still getting the timeout...
Running the stored proc like this takes 1'45":
EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[Dashboards_GetDashboardInfo]
@Packages_Count = 10,
@IncludeInactive_Indicator = Y
Our database is really not spectacular looking at the row counts.
Perhaps the nuget.org connector could be the culprit?
TableName RowCount
dbo.EventOccurrences 198648
dbo.PackageDownloads 16878
dbo.ScopedExecutionLogEntries 7100
dbo.NuGetPackageVersionsV2 4950
dbo.NuGetPackagesV2 2530
dbo.LogMessages 2004
dbo.DockerBlobs 1706
dbo.LicenseUrls 1394
dbo.Executions 1228
dbo.NuGetPackageSymbolsV2 690
dbo.Licenses 654
dbo.ScopedExecutionLogs 614
dbo.DockerImages 512
dbo.__BuildMaster_DbSchemaChanges2 406
dbo.__BuildMaster_DbSchemaChanges 328
dbo.__StoredProcInfo 254
dbo.DockerImageTags 143
dbo.RoleTasks 38
dbo.Tasks 32
dbo.Feeds 32
dbo.Privileges 27
dbo.Configuration 27
dbo.EventTypes 23
dbo.ScheduledTasks 21
dbo.Roles 18
dbo.FeedConnectors 12
dbo.Users 8
dbo.UserGroups 7
dbo.Connectors 6
dbo.UserDirectories 4
dbo.Groups 3
dbo.AssessmentTypes 3
dbo.VsixPackages 2
dbo.Webhooks 1