Hi @stefan-kiryazov_8753 , Thanks for the inquiry; I've updated our Other feed types docs with a link to this thread. On a first glance, it looks like a CocoaPod itself is just a basic text file that acts as a "pointer" to a GitHub repository. The pod client uses the git client to "download" files and tags for versioning. In other words, there is no package file. A CocoaPod repository is a Git repository, and the pod client seems to just use git client to commit/push files to the repo. In other words, there is no API for ProGet to implement. Here is what a CocoPod repo looks like (note how it's just a bunch of files in a Git repo): https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs/tree/master/Specs To make a "private repo", you basically just create a Git repository: https://guides.cocoapods.org/making/private-cocoapods This means that ultimately to implement a CocoPods repository, your only option is to create a private Git repository? That's my inital assessment at least. And of course, we have no plans to add Git source code hosting to ProGet :) From here, I recommend to ask the developers to research this a bit more, and maybe contribute their thoughts? It just doesn't seem like the iOS devs uses packages - it's all very open-source and just GitHub repositories. Steve