Ah, that makes sense, the weirdness of the NuGet Gallery is why we're migrating to ProGet in the first place
Anyway, thanks for the great support. Will definitely recommend ProGet in the future!
Ah, that makes sense, the weirdness of the NuGet Gallery is why we're migrating to ProGet in the first place
Anyway, thanks for the great support. Will definitely recommend ProGet in the future!
Hi Greg, thanks for your reply!
I didn't find any way to reproduce the random versions with another feed, so I'm fairly sure this is either an issue with v2 feeds in general or the specific feed we are using, which is quite an old build of the NuGet Gallery.
The issue doesn't seem to occur in all packages. It seems to be most prominent in the packages with a lot of versions (like, 100 and up). I don't know how the v2 API works, maybe there's some kind of paging or limiting involved?
Another thing that might be relevant: While using the ProGet endpoint nuget/<feed>/v3/registrations-gz/<package>/index.json
for one of the package with random versions, I've noticed some weird empty dependencies showing up:
"catalogEntry": {
"@id": "https://nuget01/nuget/Feed/v3/catalog/package/1.2.55.json",
"@type": "PackageDetails",
"authors": "Company",
"dependencyGroups": [
"dependencies": [
"id": "",
"range": ""
"targetFramework": "net45"
This prevents NuGet.exe from installing the package:
Attempting to gather dependency information for package 'package.1.2.55' with respect to project 'C:\Users\nkr\source\repos\Test', targeting 'Any,Version=v0.0'
Missing C:\Users\nkr\.nuget\packages\package\1.2.55\package.1.2.55.nupkg
CACHE https://nuget01/nuget/Feed/v3/registrations-gz/package/index.json
An error occurred while retrieving package metadata for 'package.1.2.55' from source 'https://nuget01/nuget/Feed/v3/index.json'.
System.InvalidOperationException: An error occurred while retrieving package metadata for 'package.1.2.55' from source 'https://nuget01/nuget/Feed/v3/index.json'. ---> NuGet.Protocol.Core.Types.Fat
alProtocolException: An error occurred while retrieving package metadata for 'package.1.2.55' from source 'https://nuget01/nuget/Feed/v3/index.json'. ---> System.ArgumentException: id
at NuGet.Packaging.Core.PackageDependency..ctor(String id, VersionRange versionRange, IReadOnlyList`1 include, IReadOnlyList`1 exclude)
at NuGet.Protocol.ResolverMetadataClient.ProcessPackageVersion(JObject packageObj, NuGetVersion version)
at NuGet.Protocol.ResolverMetadataClient.<GetDependencies>d__0.MoveNext()
Now, after manually downloading the package in order to load it into the cache, the dependencies are fixed and the package is installable:
"catalogEntry": {
"@id": "https://nuget01/nuget/Feed/v3/catalog/package/1.2.55.json",
"@type": "PackageDetails",
"authors": "Company",
"dependencyGroups": [
"dependencies": [],
"targetFramework": ".NETFramework4.5"
Hi Inedo devs, thanks for developing ProGet!
We are using ProGet 5.3.36 (Build 4) Free. We have a connector to our legacy intranet NuGet v2 feed with package caching enabled.
I've noticed the following problem: For packages which are not yet cached, ProGet shows a wrong "latest" version number in the search results:
A different version is shown in the VS NuGet package explorer when searching for the package. It can also only install that exact version (we cannot select any newer versions in the drop down).
On the package details page, the correct latest version is shown:
Also, if there is a version of a package already cached, ProGet seems to always show that as the "latest" version, regardless if there are newer versions available in the connected feed.
Is there something I am doing wrong here? The documentation leads me to believe that ProGet should always query the connected feed for the latest version (if metadata caching isn't enabled, which is isn't). Thanks in advance for your reply!
Kind regards