@frei_zs I'm also replied to your ticket (EDO-10276), but wanted to reply here as well. I'm going to lock this thread after, since it's a different issue.
Unfortunately "tar" files are more of a convention than a standard, and not all libraries can read files created with different libraries. We are using one of the most "forgiving" tar libraries (we use four different ones!) in this particular scenario, but maybe aptly conventions aren't forgiving enough?
FYI - here is what we're doing with the library
public byte[] ReadControlBytes()
using var control = TarReader.Open(this.Control);
while (control.MoveToNextEntry())
if (control.Entry.Key == "./control")
var bytes = new byte[control.Entry.Size];
using var entry = control.OpenEntryStream();
ReadBlock(entry, bytes);
return bytes;
throw new InvalidPackageException("Package does not have a control file.");
We will need to inspect the file and see if we can determine what's wrong, and if it's an easy fix, we'll do it.