Had to set ownership on the folder on the Linux server, all green now thanks!
Posts made by gurdip.sira_1271
RE: Inedo.Agents.Ssh.SftpException: SFTP Protocol Error (permission denied) using SSH To Linux (otter)
Inedo.Agents.Ssh.SftpException: SFTP Protocol Error (permission denied) using SSH To Linux (otter)
I have setup Otter on a Windows Server.I want to connect to a Linux agent and set a username/password but get the following error:
Inedo.Agents.Ssh.SftpException: SFTP Protocol Error (permission denied)
at Inedo.Agents.Ssh.Libssh2.Libssh2Session.HandleError(Int32 res, IntPtr sftp)
at Inedo.Agents.Ssh.Libssh2.Libssh2Session.WithSocketAsync[T](Func1 run, Func
2 getError, IntPtr sftp, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Inedo.Agents.Ssh.Libssh2.Libssh2SftpChannel.CreateDirectoryAsync(String path, PosixFileMode mode)
at Inedo.Agents.Ssh.Libssh2.Libssh2SftpChannel.CreateDirectoryAsync(String path, PosixFileMode mode)
at Inedo.Agents.Ssh.Libssh2.Libssh2SftpChannel.CreateDirectoryAsync(String path, PosixFileMode mode)
at Inedo.Agents.Ssh.Libssh2.Libssh2SftpChannel.CreateDirectoryAsync(String path, PosixFileMode mode)
at Inedo.Agents.Hosting.ScriptableRemoteAgentHost.EnsureAgentBinariesAsync(Func1 getPackage, IEnumerable
1 extensions, Func2 openExtension, Func
1 updateStarted)
at Inedo.Otter.Service.Agents.SshAgentConnection.GetRemoteHostAsync()
at Inedo.Otter.Service.Agents.SshAgentConnection.EnsureHostedAgentAsync()
at Inedo.Otter.Service.TaskRunners.ServerCheckerRunner.CheckSshAgentAsync(TaskRunnerSubtask`1 context, Servers_Extended server, SshAgent agent)Do I need to do anything on the Linux server side?
RE: SQL Server permissions issue in ProGet installation
@atripp The wierd thing, this is there?
SQL Server permissions issue in ProGet installation
I am trying to install Inedo ProGet. Both the ProGet Service and Web Server windows services run with a dedicated domain account.I have given this account dbo rights on a pre-created database, as well as the computer account on the SQL Server.
Failed to run Integrated Web Server.
Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Login failed for user 'GLOBAL\GLOPROGET01$'.
at Microsoft.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.TryGetConnection(DbConnection owningObject, UInt32 waitForMultipleObjectsTimeout, Boolean allowCreate, Boolean onlyOneCheckConnection, DbConnectionOptions userOptions, DbConnectionInternal& connection)
at Microsoft.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.TryGetConnection(DbConnection owningObject, TaskCompletionSource1 retry, DbConnectionOptions userOptions, DbConnectionInternal& connection) at Microsoft.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.TryGetConnection(DbConnection owningConnection, TaskCompletionSource
1 retry, DbConnectionOptions userOptions, DbConnectionInternal oldConnection, DbConnectionInternal& connection)
at Microsoft.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionInternal.TryOpenConnectionInternal(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory, TaskCompletionSource1 retry, DbConnectionOptions userOptions) at Microsoft.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.TryOpenConnection(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory, TaskCompletionSource
1 retry, DbConnectionOptions userOptions)
at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.TryOpen(TaskCompletionSource1 retry, SqlConnectionOverrides overrides) at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open(SqlConnectionOverrides overrides) at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open() at Inedo.Data.SqlServerDatabaseContext.CreateConnection() at Inedo.Data.DatabaseContext.ExecuteInternal(String storedProcName, GenericDbParameter[] parameters) at Inedo.Data.SqlServerDatabaseContext.ExecuteInternal(String storedProcName, GenericDbParameter[] parameters) at Inedo.Data.DatabaseContext.<>c__DisplayClass34_0
at Inedo.Data.StrongDataReader.Read[TRow](Func1 getReader, Boolean disposeReader)+MoveNext() at System.Collections.Generic.List
1..ctor(IEnumerable1 collection) at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable
1 source)
at Inedo.ProGet.Data.DB.Configuration_GetConfiguration()
at Inedo.ProGet.InternalConfig.ReadConfigValues()
at Inedo.LazyCached1.GetValue() at Inedo.LazyCached
at Inedo.ProGet.ProGetConfig1.ReadFullyQualifiedValue(String scopedKey) at Inedo.ProGet.ProGetConfig
1.ReadBoolean(String key)
at Inedo.ProGet.ProGetConfig.Web.get_IntegratedAuthenticationEnabled()
at Inedo.ProGet.WebApplication.Program.get_UseIntegratedAuthentication()
at Inedo.Web.AhWebHost.ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
at Inedo.Web.AhWebHost.Startup.ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Span1& arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor, Boolean wrapExceptions) at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.ConfigureServicesBuilder.InvokeCore(Object instance, IServiceCollection services) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.ConfigureServicesBuilder.<>c__DisplayClass9_0.<Invoke>g__Startup|0(IServiceCollection serviceCollection) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.ConfigureServicesBuilder.Invoke(Object instance, IServiceCollection services) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.ConfigureServicesBuilder.<>c__DisplayClass8_0.<Build>b__0(IServiceCollection services) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.GenericWebHostBuilder.UseStartup(Type startupType, HostBuilderContext context, IServiceCollection services, Object instance) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.GenericWebHostBuilder.<>c__DisplayClass14_0
1.<UseStartup>b__0(HostBuilderContext context, IServiceCollection services)
at Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.HostBuilder.CreateServiceProvider()
at Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.HostBuilder.Build()
at Inedo.Web.AhWebHost.RunWithAutomaticRestartAsync(String[] args, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
Error Number:18456,State:1,Class:14What am I missing?
RE: Git repo doesn't sync with Otter
Could you not reproduce this? Only as I have abandoned the repo. But I had a scripts folder, as advised. I will try to get this done in the next few days.
RE: Git repo doesn't sync with Otter
Hi Rich,
I don't unfortunately and I use GitHub with private repos. -
RE: Git repo doesn't sync with Otter
Found this: https://forums.inedo.com/topic/2122/git-raft-questions-git-to-otter-then-otter-to-git/3
But this is going back a long time ago.
i am on 2022.4
Git repo doesn't sync with Otter
I pushed changes to a Git repo I use as a raft in Otter. However, I don't see changes in the raft's files, despite the same branch being used as where I pushed changes to.Is this a bug? I think I remember it being said that the intended workflow is to update files in Otter and that will update the Git repo. Problem with that is it circumvents my CICD process.
RE: Git repo raft showing as empty
Happens with vany file in the raft, eg any Powershell script and any blank Otterscript.
RE: Git repo raft showing as empty
Ok so I can see the files in my raft, in the scipts page now, and in general in the otter script options. I think there must be a scheduled job for them to show? However, when i select one I get this error:
Any ideas?
RE: Git repo raft showing as empty
@rhessinger said in Git repo raft showing as empty:
Git rafts use the generic git extension, so you will need to use a Username & Password credential instead of a GitHub Credential
Git rafts use the generic git extension, so you will need to use a Username & Password credential instead of a GitHub Credential
This is actually what fixed it! Just before your post, I tried this. The textbox text for the password says from a username/password so that was a clue!
However, my problem now is that in my raft (in the scripts folder), I have ps1 scripts but when I have an otter file, in the GUI, I can't see these scripts?
Remember, the git repo is a copy of the Otter example one that was posted in the other thread I made.
RE: Git repo raft showing as empty
New instance yup, completely fresh install. Could you provide end-to-end instructions on how to do this? As when I got this working previousy it was after trying many things so wasn't clear what fixed it.
Git repo raft showing as empty
I installed Otter 2022 and it looks good, but back to square one with the git raft not showing contents. Attached is the configuration but I hace x'd out sensitive details. The repo is the Git repo one of the engineers linked to in my other thread, and has a /scripts folder. -
RE: Help with Git raft in Otter
OK i get an error stating the script cannot be found. I think that's because in the visual plan, the sript doesn't appear anyway.
RE: Help with Git raft in Otter
Hmm, nothing in text mode, but I have to cancel and then view.
The other confusing thing is with multiple git-based rafts, it's not clear which script is part of which raft.
RE: Help with Git raft in Otter
Ok thanks, I will try otter v2022.
The bit I am not sure about is what my ps1 code should look like for the file reference to the text file.
The script has no parameters. The behaviour seems a bit erratic. Are you referring to v3.0.24? As I tried this and no change.
RE: Help with Git raft in Otter
In addition, when I drag a ps1 script in an otterscript orchestration, the popup is blank and i can't add the script. eg:
RE: Help with Git raft in Otter
To add, I get this error when making a job template:
"KillerGamingWindowsPowershell::JobTemplate::KillerGamingWindowsPowershell::Jobs/t" is not a valid raft item identifier.
Sorry for all the questions, just trying to get myelf up and running!
RE: Help with Git raft in Otter
I guess the bit I am confused about is if a restart is needed mid script. Would the agent on the server resume the script post reboot?
For script assets, how would I reference from my Powershell script? Or should I use OtterScript and then have the step above and then my script?
RE: Help with Git raft in Otter
I will give that a read.
Two questions;
How does Otter handle jobs that may require reboots in betwen/ For example, joining a domain.
I have added some text files to my git repo but Ot
One last question - in my git raft, I have a script that looks like this:
$chocoPackages = $PSScriptRoot + "\chocoPackages.txt" $DB = Get-Content $chocoPackages foreach ($Data in $DB) { choco install $DB -y }
However, I get the error:
Cannot find path 'C:\chocoPackages.txt' because it does not exist.
What am I missing?
Oneter reports them as unknown file type. -
RE: Help with Git raft in Otter
Hmm I get your point about branching.
Is there a way in the Raft to sany branch BUT main? As pr branches could be called anything.
RE: Help with Git raft in Otter
Is that how this feature works though? Could I not just do a git commit to the repo and then use the scripts in Otter?
I seem to have this working, not quite sure what is the exact config needed (hence the request to just provide the steps end-to-end. I like the product but the documentation is lacking slightly here).
So now, when I add a file to my git repo, it shows in the Scripts area, which is all I need. :)
RE: Help with Git raft in Otter
Ok am I safe to import that test repo into my repo?
Sorry for all the questions, just this part of Otter seems to lack detail in steps!
RE: Help with Git raft in Otter
@atripp said in Help with Git raft in Otter:
e its working :)
I think the issue is that you didWould that folder be in Inedo Otter or in Git, or both?
RE: Help with Git raft in Otter
Ok so if I have a blank repo and the same config in secure credentials, I can add a script to Otter and in the raft and it appears.
My only issue with this iswhat should my workflow be? I was hoping to retain the standard git workflow ie commit push etc.
RE: Help with Git raft in Otter
They were addef by git commit, outside of Otter. Using vs code. I see the view in the attached screenshot.
Is there a trick I am missing somewhere?
Help with Git raft in Otter
Hi All,
I am using Otter 3.0 and trying to setup a Git raft, that uses GitHub.
I configured a secure credential that uses my username and a PAT token (Type is username/password).
I then configured a GitHub raft, with the branch being main, and a username and same PAT token.
However, when I browse the raft, there's no errors, but I don't see my files that I have commited to the branch?