@NanciCalo - Thanks very much for that - all my googling was to no avail at finding that page, and all the forum posts I found were from back in 2016 when things were different...
Much appreciated!
@NanciCalo - Thanks very much for that - all my googling was to no avail at finding that page, and all the forum posts I found were from back in 2016 when things were different...
Much appreciated!
I have an existing ProGet installation installed using InedoHub, that currently runs under http and the integrated web server. I want to change this to using IIS and https.
I don't see any option on the InedoHub installer to switch from integrated web server to IIS. There is just a checkbox for IWS enabled - and unchecking that does not magically create all the IIS site/app pool etc.
Do I have to completely uninstall ProGet and install again to get the IIS option via InedoHub? Obviously I don't want to lose my packages/feeds already configured on that server - can that be done safely?
I tried on my local machine as an experiment installing ProGet from fresh using InedoHub and choosing the IIS option (under http). It did not work out of the box for me - the problem being that the ProGet app pool was set to run under the network account, and that did not have rights to the ProGet SQL Server database the fresh install created. Once I changed the app pool to run as my user account it all worked ok, and then it was straightforward steps to install the https certificate into IIS, change the site binding and then the InedoHub configuration to point to https and 443 instead. So I know "how" to get it working once we have the IIS site in place - but not sure how to get to there with this existing server...